Publishing your MT4 statement. How is that done (the whole process)???



I am trying to have my statment published on my website. All topics around here seems to have this step already accomplished and most people are looking to go from the regular statement to the detailed one.

Me? I am still trying to get it on my website.

How is the entire process done? What do I do at the MT4 end and what do I do at my server/webiste end? I completed the form at the publisher appliation on MT4 but now what do I do? how do I get it on my website? How do I get the statement.htm published.??


For a practical demo of how others do it:

fbj wrote >>

For a practical demo of how others do it:

Thanks fbj

For someone like me, trying to publish it to my website, what is the first step? and the second? how do I FTP and what do I FTP? I completed the steps in MT4 (publisher) but after you click test and it comes back as ok, what else do I do? where did it go? how do I retrieve it?

When someone says, click here to see the performance, what are we clicking? where is this file coming from? What do I type on my browser to see the file?

I FTP my files every day so I am familiar with FTP. But this process seems to be only the middle of the whole process.

To FTP something you need to have a file. MT4 starts by telling you to fill the host name, the path and the passwords. Click test and that is it. That is where it all ends.

what is what I was supposed to do before going to publisher and what do I do after I test the connection?

Thanks for your time, if you or anyone can help me with this, I'll appreciate it very much.

( I visited the link you posted few days ago already, they seems to be down for some reason or something is wrong. You need to register and they will send you a code on your email. I used already three registratiosn with three different emails and no response has been sent to me as today)



Thanks fbj

For someone like me, trying to publish it to my website, what is the first step? and the second? how do I FTP and what do I FTP? I completed the steps in MT4 (publisher) but after you click test and it comes back as ok, what else do I do? where did it go? how do I retrieve it?

When someone says, click here to see the performance, what are we clicking? where is this file coming from? What do I type on my browser to see the file?

I FTP my files every day so I am familiar with FTP. But this process seems to be only the middle of the whole process.

To FTP something you need to have a file. MT4 starts by telling you to fill the host name, the path and the passwords. Click test and that is it. That is where it all ends.

what is what I was supposed to do before going to publisher and what do I do after I test the connection?

Thanks for your time, if you or anyone can help me with this, I'll appreciate it very much.

( I visited the link you posted few days ago already, they seems to be down for some reason or something is wrong. You need to register and they will send you a code on your email. I used already three registratiosn with three different emails and no response has been sent to me as today)


1. Fill out the Publish tab (as you've done)

2. Now fill it out correctly ;-)

The file should be in the directory on your server which you specified in the Publish tab.

Have you tried to ftp to your server from your MT4 PC's command prompt? (Just in case your firewall is blocking an inward connection, in which case you need to configure passive ftp; ftp operates on ports 20/21 from memory)

Regarding the registration process - have you checked your junkmail folder?



For a practical demo of how others do it:

... or


1. Fill out the Publish tab (as you've done)

2. Now fill it out correctly ;-)

The file should be in the directory on your server which you specified in the Publish tab.

Have you tried to ftp to your server from your MT4 PC's command prompt? (Just in case your firewall is blocking an inward connection, in which case you need to configure passive ftp; ftp operates on ports 20/21 from memory)

Regarding the registration process - have you checked your junkmail folder?


CB. I think I got it this time. The file is there now, or was there all the time I was trying to locate it. All I need to do now is link it to something else and I can see my reports on line. This is cool.

Thanks a lot buddy. I appreciate your time.

Pipero wrote >>

CB. I think I got it this time. The file is there now, or was there all the time I was trying to locate it. All I need to do now is link it to something else and I can see my reports on line. This is cool.

Thanks a lot buddy. I appreciate your time.

You will probably realize that you have no charts on that statement. If you want the charts, you can go in your MT4\templates folder, rename statement.htm to statement-original.htm, copy DetailedStatement.htm and rename the copy to statement.htm taking the place of the old one.

This template is fully customizable if you wish to edit it further like remove account info or change the html, style, and stuff like that.

Hope this helps,



You will probably realize that you have no charts on that statement. If you want the charts, you can go in your MT4\templates folder, rename statement.htm to statement-original.htm, copy DetailedStatement.htm and rename the copy to statement.htm taking the place of the old one.

This template is fully customizable if you wish to edit it further like remove account info or change the html, style, and stuff like that.

Hope this helps,


Thanks Jon.

You are correct, there is not chart on the report, I was about to ask how to fix that, thanks a lot. On the other hand, how do you customize the report?


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Hi, to staff and members,

This threat, has no questions for a long time, so it looks like everybody found his way around that.

I need help with the switch to Detailed Statement.

I have around 10 MT4 on 2 VPS, a office and my home computer all linked with FTP, and it works great with auto update in Excel, BUT I find no way to use the detailed report.

I have changed the names like written here But I can't get that part to work. Furthermore, I would really need that feature because I work with Signals now, and without M-ID I can't differ the signals to analyze them.

Is there anybody here to help me with that. 

When anybody needs help to set that Up I would be happy to help.