Want to know secret to making money in Forex?


I have been doing Forex for a while now with consitent wins and profits. Therefore, I can say

that you should listen if you are not making money.

And here it is:

While you losers are afraid of losing money and trying to save money, I am making money.

If you are not ready to make money, don't play. Put it in the bank. Save it. Conserve it. Use it to pay rent or something.

While the losers are trying their best and still losing, I am thinking about my next profit level already.

I don't think about how NOT to lose. I think about making money.

Perception is key. Are you afraid of risk, then please go to your mommy and daddy. Let them take care of you.

Anyhow, I hope nobody feels like I am busting and picking on their butt. This is not made to lecture to losers but to

make them smarter.

Hey, if you did your homework correctly and if you know your stuff and you still lose money, then go try a different business.

People are good at different stuff. This means YOU ARE NO GOOD AT THIS BUSINESS. Try something else.

I am ready for my next profit again. Best wishes and sweet successes to all. Bye.


This is disappointing.

I was expecting some EA or some other secrets for sale at $99, or $89 per copy if you buy five copies.

Followed by telling people that there's only 10 copies left so they must hurry if they want a piece of the action. 


hi ckingher,

words .....words .....words

You are thinking to make money and not to lose . It's not up to You and up to me .

Your thinking, is the most dangerous one in this most difficult field in the world.

Don't think too much for money, but think - when You lose, how much you lose.

This is the name of the game.

It is not to be a brave guy, because the market action can give a nice hair cut to everyone, even to the most genius one.

think about ''the greatest traders'' now they dont trade any more, but trying to sell books and to invite people to seminars.

ckingher wrote >>

I have been doing Forex for a while now with consitent wins and profits. Therefore, I can say

that you should listen if you are not making money.

And here it is:

While you losers are afraid of losing money and trying to save money, I am making money.

If you are not ready to make money, don't play. Put it in the bank. Save it. Conserve it. Use it to pay rent or something.

While the losers are trying their best and still losing, I am thinking about my next profit level already.

I don't think about how NOT to lose. I think about making money.

Perception is key. Are you afraid of risk, then please go to your mommy and daddy. Let them take care of you.

Anyhow, I hope nobody feels like I am busting and picking on their butt. This is not made to lecture to losers but to

make them smarter.

Hey, if you did your homework correctly and if you know your stuff and you still lose money, then go try a different business.

People are good at different stuff. This means YOU ARE NO GOOD AT THIS BUSINESS. Try something else.

I am ready for my next profit again. Best wishes and sweet successes to all. Bye.

What is the secret? You left that most important part out.

That's the hook to this really poorly thought out sales pitch. He can't get nailed for spam, because he didn't pitch a product or set a price, now he is just waiting for you to email him.
LEHayes wrote >>
That's the hook to this really poorly thought out sales pitch. He can't get nailed for spam, because he didn't pitch a product or set a price, now he is just waiting for you to email him.

I am replying this to all of you.

Guys, I am not in business to sale items or products. However, I am concerned that there are so many losers out there.

I have a great product, why should I sale it???? Hmm??? Do you understand??

However, all I can say is that all strategies and indicators are pretty much available and used by everybody.

The secret is inside you. You are a born loser, then you will lose no matter what.

For me, I know I will be thinking about my next profit level.

Therefore, do something else if you are simply NO GOOD! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Anyway, I don't want to sound arrogant. Therefore, best of luck next time for everybody.


ckingher - With regard to you're desire to avoid sounding arrogant - its too late. The only way you will avoid sounding arrogant is to avoid posting on this forum.

As far as I can see, the sum total of what you've contributed to this forum are the pretentious ramblings of a 12 year old wannabe trader. My apologies to the many more mature 12 year olds who may read this.

This is a programming forum. Programmers tend not to like vague self-help BS, the sort of which seems to be your stock in trade. We prefer to talk about MQL on an MQL forum, strangely enough.

So, we've heard you. 22 times. And none of us are even slightly interested in you, your strategy or your trading psychobabble buzzword bingo.

Its time for you to either:

1. Show us you're not a one-trick-pony and post some specific MQL queries, or provide some specific answers to newbies' MQL queries


2. Ask your parent/guardian to direct you toward a more suitable forum

Please choose rapidly.


Well said cloudbreaker!
ckingher wrote >>

I have been doing Forex for a while now with consitent wins and profits. Therefore, I can say

that you should listen if you are not making money.

And here it is:

While you losers are afraid of losing money and trying to save money, I am making money.

If you are not ready to make money, don't play. Put it in the bank. Save it. Conserve it. Use it to pay rent or something.

While the losers are trying their best and still losing, I am thinking about my next profit level already.

I don't think about how NOT to lose. I think about making money.

Perception is key. Are you afraid of risk, then please go to your mommy and daddy. Let them take care of you.

Anyhow, I hope nobody feels like I am busting and picking on their butt. This is not made to lecture to losers but to

make them smarter.

Hey, if you did your homework correctly and if you know your stuff and you still lose money, then go try a different business.

People are good at different stuff. This means YOU ARE NO GOOD AT THIS BUSINESS. Try something else.

I am ready for my next profit again. Best wishes and sweet successes to all. Bye.

You're post reads like one of those Tom Voo real estate infomercials... "You see this tennis ball, i used to be just like it--being hit around by everyone... now, i have my own tennis court!" (expand shot to show hot girls)

Does this place not have a moderator?!

The first thing I'm going to do after becoming a successful trader is to spend my weekends telling other traders that they are losers. I'd love to write more, but I need to head over to the PGA blog and read why i suck at golf.


This is disappointing.

I was expecting some EA or some other secrets for sale at $99, or $89 per copy if you buy five copies.

Followed by telling people that there's only 10 copies left so they must hurry if they want a piece of the action.


bang on target!


take a look at the USD/CHF, the way i see it, (my opinion only) there is a magnet at 109348, if this level is hit does this makes me a lucky fool or someone who knows what they are talking about, how about you contributing something similar to back up your arrogant rant, I say this week by the way that this MAY happen. (no advice intended to anyone these are just my thoughts )



current price 107672