2 Questions on Data Feeds


From what I understand, the maximum data one can backtest in Strategy Tester is dependent upon how much historical data your broker provides you. I've used the standard method of opening up a 1 miute chart, zooming out, turn-off the autoscroll, and hitting the 'home' button until no more data shows up. I've come to realize that the Strategy Tester will only utilize data that you've collected in this manner. As of today (7/16/09), my broker is giving me historical data on the EUR/USD since (4/16/09)...so 3 months worth. I'm using TradeviewFX.

Question 1: How much historical EUR/USD data is your broker giving you? And which broker is it?

Question 2: I've visted a few websites that offer historical data and have been tempted to purchase a package. If I were to purchase something like this, what are the steps I follow to import this data into MQL4?


don't buy. There will be differences between server times (some are GMT and others not), that will cause inconsistencies between purchased data and your broker's data.

Instead, start collecting data from today, until you have a significant ammount of data. Be careful, sometimes the terminals lose their history, and I think it's when there is an update in terminal. Therefore, I advise you go to "tools->history center" (or F2), and save copies of quotes of your interest, with the "export" option.

In order to allow the most ammount of data, go to "tools->options" and at the "charts" tab set the parameter "Max bars in history" to 99999999999999.


I opened a demo account at UWC a few weeks ago, they have supplied me with the best and most consistent data for any demo broker that I have used thus far. I now have 8-10 years of market data for 9 different currencies.

That said, I discovered the loading of historical data into the backtester is not real intuitive ---- I struggled with that procedure for months. I have finally figured it out.

In the data center, click on a currency and a timeframe, then hit download. Here's the part that keep losing me. The MT4 terminal downloads the data to your hard drive, but it does NOT automatically load it into the backtester for use. That is what the [Import] button is for in the Data Center. Once the data is on the hard drive your must import it into the backtester. Another thing to be aware of is do not expect the import function to happen instantly --- the files are big so sometimes it takes 10-15 seconds before any market data appears in the "Import" window --- when the data finally appears in the "Import" window hit [OK]. Now double click on the currency timeframe in the "Symbols" window and the data should be updated in the History Center.

I use two instances of the MT4 Client: one for demo trading, and one for backtesting. I do that to avoid corrupting the historical data in the backtester.


FXtrader2008 wrote >>

I opened a demo account at UWC a few weeks ago, they have supplied me with the best and most consistent data for any demo broker that I have used thus far. I now have 8-10 years of market data for 9 different currencies.

That said, I discovered the loading of historical data into the backtester is not real intuitive ---- I struggled with that procedure for months. I have finally figured it out.

In the data center, click on a currency and a timeframe, then hit download. Here's the part that keep losing me. The MT4 terminal downloads the data to your hard drive, but it does NOT automatically load it into the backtester for use. That is what the [Import] button is for in the Data Center. Once the data is on the hard drive your must import it into the backtester. Another thing to be aware of is do not expect the import function to happen instantly --- the files are big so sometimes it takes 10-15 seconds before any market data appears in the "Import" window --- when the data finally appears in the "Import" window hit [OK]. Now double click on the currency timeframe in the "Symbols" window and the data should be updated in the History Center.

I use two instances of the MT4 Client: one for demo trading, and one for backtesting. I do that to avoid corrupting the historical data in the backtester.


Thanks for the great tips!!!

I opened a UWC demo account and can't seem to figure out how you managed to get 8-10 years of 1 Minute data? Certainly it goes back that far on the daily bars but I can't see how you got that much 1 minute information. Did you have to specially request it from them?