Anyone Interested in writing an EA for $20 - page 3


haha, CB take it easy on The_One, maybe she is an 8 year old kid from the streets of Mexico, who has been saving up for months just to afford to use the internet cafe for half an hour, let alone pay a professional coder to build her strategy!

You must have looked me up in your crystal ball :)

What does it say about EUR/USD this week?


CB, You seems to be easily offended. Your posts give me a feeling that this coding work is getting on your nerves. Perhaps time for a new about a full time trader for a change? :)

I think you already know that that's a misinterpretation. I managed to tolerate 25 yrs as an assembler programmer, network designer and enterprise architect and have returned to IT as a sideline this year as my current profession has been impacted by the economic crisis.

So does coding get on my nerves? No, I get a good buzz from:

- Producing efficient, quality code (small snippets and extensive modular systems alike)

- Helping new programmers who want to use the forum to learn

What DOES get on my nerves?:

- Traders who patronise programmers by doing their work estimates for them

- Traders and programmers alike who fail to see that there is a difference between a quick mock-up* and a system that can be used to reliably trade large sums of other people's money

Now, I'm quite pleased that you made your original post - so thanks for that. If it does nothing else, it has prompted responses which have served to inform the difference between an EA and an ea* (both of which have their place in the trading software development life-cycle). I'm also very pleased, on reading the numerous responses to this and the other related thread, to see so many other people who DO get it.

My wish is to see traders and programmers start to state up front whether they are talking about quick mock-ups* or production systems when they are attempting to engage with each other on the forum.


*By mock-up or ea, I mean a set of functions that could be used in any of the following ways:

- To fulfill stage 1 in the development life-cycle, where something like Excel or Matlab is not used

- As a bedroom trading system with pocket or demo money

- As a snippet to be used as the core of a wider development effort

migmof wrote >>

Judging from the response from his/her original request, there are people who are willing to do it with less than USD 20. Probably there are few more responded to his/her email directly so we don't even know how many more of them. It is purely supply and demand..... And in this case, demand is well met by supply :)

Is US$20 an insult to a coder? In this case, I somewhat disagree. He/she is not asking for some complicated EA, probably just MAs cross over or RSI overbought/oversold, MACD type of simple EAs. Okay, he/she is asking for money management feature, let's assume he/she wants Trailing profit or time based exit, I'm sure every EA developer should have some functions like this in their library that can be reused... So, my guess it is a 30 minutes job for a seasoned programmer. For US$20 for half hour quick job, many EA programmers in third world countries will be far more than happy to do it..

Well Said...$20 usd in the usa is not allot of $ other parts of the world like china it`s a week`s salary in a factory=$$$ .

Remember here in the usa we are in a depression so even $20 for some is too much.

apparelink wrote >>

Hi ForexDevMan,

Your information confirms my belief. If someone who claims to have a good strategy but cannot even put that in writing, it's probably not all that good after all. Most people don't understand the basics of software system development cycle - collecting requirements, specification, coding (yes I have a software engineering background) and frustrate the hell out of developers. The hardest part is collecting requirements (for FX trading system): strategies, indicators, signals, exit and entry points, MM rules, etc.) because it is a collaborative effort. This is true even for a well-founded project. Coding is really just a one man job AFTER you have nailed all the requirements. People who have problems verbalizing what they want in technical terms often find themselves changing their mind or will discover the strategy was not well-throught or flawed later. Their statement may sound like --- create a system that works and can really make money. How? "Sorry, I don't have the details yet" would be the answer. People who cannot BE BOTHERED or lack the FX knowledge to express themselves should perhaps look at the hundreds of commercial EAs already out there. This way you could turn the table around by making paid customers your testers.

My conclusion is if you are already a developer, you have an edge that most traders don't. It would be a better and more rewarding experience for you to self-learn the fundamentals and technical analysis and better your knowledge over time. You don't need a degree in Finance; just enough to help you in living trading. You would find yourself continously coding and backtesting strategies of your own interest anyway.

Someone who cannot even afford to buy a commercial EA probably doesn't even have enough risk capital to trade anyway.

Just curious. How much does it cost to make a simple E.A? 2 availlable indicators with a few options attached like stop loss, trailing stop etc