Is your EA allways your friend/


This is not a surprise. This is just a fact. You need to be careful when you open a live account. You have to test carefully your broker, especially if he is a desk dealer broker. They are not all the same. Same-where they are like the other brokers, which try to kick you out your trade, but this is not a big news. On the other hand, everywhere there are some broker which you pray he to be not your neighbor. But there is an other broker, which is a real killer of your money. And he doesn't care if you think that it should not be allow him to live in our Planet. He doesn't stop to sabotage your account, he has all the "skills" to kill your account. The firs step hi does is to promises to you the best condition to trade. If you thing that the Robot is the best way for good result (especially when you use a good EA) He test your profit, hitting your account with a 'accidentally ' lost. Then, if your earning continues to increase your amount, hi hit again and takes from your account a couple hundred dollars, closing down (hi is a monster and has the skills to create a 'normal 'situation' ) two or more trades in good shape. This is a TEST to see your reaction.After this moment comes the third and most danger step. The third step is the killer of your wealthy account. If your account continues to grow because of your success in trading, this broker has the "technology " to create the ALIBI that it's "your EA that is not working properly" and this KILLER which has a brokerage financial license, will take out your account the most of your wining trades, probably all the float of P/L which was working so well for you. And you will find a loss, a big loss, a terrible loss, and your account will be low, very small, sick account, not able to support your trading plan. And if you still are confused and not sure how this loss come so big immediatelly, and you decide to fund your account, this is the next step, you are killing your self, because you make happy this Killer-broker.

Can you find who is this broker? what his business name? where hi is located? You can help your self and your friends and other traders to protect their money from this Monster, this unscrupullos broker.

Try and find who is he first. Than ask for help to find him...


Dude, get help. There are prescription drugs that can fix your problems. You just have to want to be a part of society again.

You can do it. We're all rooting for you.


Not sure if I agree with Tovan here.

I don't think the prescription drugs exist that will solve your problems.

With regard to brokers, we all know what can happen. So there are 2 options for all of us:

A) Find the broker(s) we are most comfortable with; build some anti-broker-trickery techniques into our EAs; then keep a close scrutiny on what is happening

B) Sip drinks with other weak old men in tartan slippers and say "I used to be a forex trader, its a tough racket"

1231231234 wrote >>

This is not a surprise. This is just a fact. You need to be careful when you open a live account. You have to test carefully your broker, especially if he is a desk dealer broker. They are not all the same. Same-where they are like the other brokers, which try to kick you out your trade, but this is not a big news. On the other hand, everywhere there are some broker which you pray he to be not your neighbor. But there is an other broker, which is a real killer of your money. And he doesn't care if you think that it should not be allow him to live in our Planet. He doesn't stop to sabotage your account, he has all the "skills" to kill your account. The firs step hi does is to promises to you the best condition to trade. If you thing that the Robot is the best way for good result (especially when you use a good EA) He test your profit, hitting your account with a 'accidentally ' lost. Then, if your earning continues to increase your amount, hi hit again and takes from your account a couple hundred dollars, closing down (hi is a monster and has the skills to create a 'normal 'situation' ) two or more trades in good shape. This is a TEST to see your reaction.After this moment comes the third and most danger step. The third step is the killer of your wealthy account. If your account continues to grow because of your success in trading, this broker has the "technology " to create the ALIBI that it's "your EA that is not working properly" and this KILLER which has a brokerage financial license, will take out your account the most of your wining trades, probably all the float of P/L which was working so well for you. And you will find a loss, a big loss, a terrible loss, and your account will be low, very small, sick account, not able to support your trading plan. And if you still are confused and not sure how this loss come so big immediatelly, and you decide to fund your account, this is the next step, you are killing your self, because you make happy this Killer-broker.

Can you find who is this broker? what his business name? where hi is located? You can help your self and your friends and other traders to protect their money from this Monster, this unscrupullos broker.

Try and find who is he first. Than ask for help to find him...

There is a lot of truth in the your concerns ..., likely all of these concerns have happened. Generally with small off-shore bucket shops.

Part of the solution is to check out broker review sites, FPA for example.

Another part of the solution is to only deal with pure ECN brokers they generally have higher initial deposit requirements, because they're not in it to wipe out your $500 account

but rather to harvest the spread day in day out.




I'm going to quote Phy on this one as I think it's relevant here (from another post with a similar topic):


is an exaggerated distrust of others that is not based on fact. As a psychotic feature of bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder or schizophrenia, paranoia may manifest as delusions of persecution. Paranoid personality disorder is classed as a separate mental illness in its own right, where an unfounded belief that the patient is being persecuted is the primary symptom."


For those of you who believe that your broker manipulates the market price (that every one of their customers sees) just so YOUR order fails - all the power to you. If your broker is small enough to get away with something like that then it's your fault for using them. There are plenty of reputable brokers out there that don't advertise through SPAM mega-dealers and a reputable broker wouldn't be able to stay in business with that kind of a business model.


So I stand by my earlier comments.


tovan, my wife has been working at various mental institutions providing backup for consultant level dudes. What you/good 'ol Sir Phy say is so relevant and not just to one's relationship with their broker!


keith... FPA rocks! only wishing for a faster cpu so that pages came up within couple hrs instead of days in my case - lol


I have repeatedly communicated with Alpari UK over the years regards their stance on any type of robot, regardless of what it gets up to (hahaaa, my own paranoia creeps up on me now 'n then - so I reach for the 'phone and ask all the same damn questions as few yrs back :)

The answer - always the same, in essence is: "Go for it!", "We have no concerns - you place trades... WE make profit from spreads..." iow, simple concept, yes? Just like Keith said.

The only proviso they have have is in not tolerating the rogue robot that in-a-nutshell is crap software and does in essence a forever loop of TradeOps with the obvious result that the server gets hammered with useless orders. But even then, they have explicitly stated verbally and written, that they would firstly freeze the a/c (to save the server) and then communicate so as to work with the a/c holder in determining possible solutions to the issue.

Hey... they want those spreads, yes?


ok... off topic but...

speaking of cpu's - I've been drooling over an Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550 on (#141515) + Artic Cooling (as in-box heatsink apparently is crap) + Gigabyte GA-x48 mobo + ... blah blah

Reckon could have a nice Crayesque build for under 500gbp

Anyone have tips, suggestions?

My pc is just soooo slow that cannot run more than few EA's at once else impossible to do other work.