MT5 a step backwards?? - page 14

From everything I've seen and read MT5 SUCKS!!

No individual orders listed, NO Hedging, and INCOMPATIBLE with anything MT4.....What a tragedy. Although MetaTrader "Sells" their product to Brokers...WE the users/programmers are the ones responsible for MT4s success. It looks like Meta has lost sight of this basic premise.... MT5 from everything I've seen is a step BACKWARDS!!!! I don't want to trade stocks on MetaTrader...and I DEFINETLY WON'T give up functionality to have something I won't use. I have MT4 to trade currencies and a stock broker for stocks!!!! Please reconsider the basics I and numerous others demand.....Hedging, Individual order listing, and MT4/5 compatability!!

Thanks BR

Completly agree, MT5 sucks, I will happily change all my code to a new language if the platform deserves it, but ths platform is worse than MT4.

Ian Venner:

This is like the argumants that persist every time a new version of windows is released, so many people say they hate it and it is worse than the previous version etc etc but eventually they all switch over to the newer version and then the next new version is released and the argument starts all over again.

I dont plan on using mt5 untill it becomes neccessary for me to do so, or when the consensus of opionion on the mql5 forum gives me reason to believe mt5 is so much better than mt4 that I am missing out by not using it.

8 YEARS LATER, nobody changed platform.... guess what! you were so wrong!! Windows had their mistakes also, Windows XP was very good people love it, years later people was still using it, and the same with windows 7... Also SO is much more complicated system, that needs new update etc... Metatrader is not, all the technology we need was in MT4. Metaquotes have tried to be Microsoft, when they only need to be updating and improving a very good product. They tried to reinvent the well and they faiiled so hard, no problem with that... as soon as you adapt to that reality, what is very wrong to metaquotes is that they have decided to blind themselfs to the fact that mt5 is not a product that is liked by the developers or the traders, ITS NOT, and they have decided to put it on the market by FORCE. They should have spend that time and energy in creating the real succesor of MT4, 8 years have passed and they are still pushing, INCREDIBLE!!!!