MT5 a step backwards?? - page 5


MT5 naysayers are all correct. MT5 is a joke and a horrid mess.

Someone said it is a huge step backwards. It is a monumental

colossal step-back and a failure. What brokerage firm will

purchase MT5 and integrate it to their platform? I am thinking

ZERO. Maybe MT5 was made with some big fat paycheck and

come promise of business from NFA and CFTC? Huh? No sane

brokerage firm much less an ECN STP business model will

adopt MT5. It does not work period. It has nothing to do with

whether you get it or not. Clealry, MT5 does not work for

current profitable traders. For failures, it does not matter.

They will just fail more often and quicker than before. But

it will seriously handcuff seriously profitable successful

traders. That's a fact so stop saying someone does

not get it if they are trashing MT5. MT5 is trash. At least

they should have made it backwards compatible with MT4. Right?

Freakin' common sense. Tell me... what brokerage firm will

openly adopt MT5? Those firms strongarmed by CFTC and NFA?

Clearly that's the design here. Everyone start to make your moves

to a NON-US based reputable FX firm. Please. Before CFTC

brings on 1:10 mandatory leverage and MT5 mandatory usage.

OK? Don't say we did not warn you. Move now!!!

When I say 'multi-asset' I don't mean CFD's and futures (I don't care about those either), I mean being able to Test on multiple symbols at the same time. You don't care about that? If not then what kind of 'hedging' do u do (as far as I know the definition of hedging is dividing your risk among different assets - different currency pairs)?

Oh brother. Please stop acting like you know what you are talking about STAT.

Re-read your blathering blithering blabber about "hedging" again.

YOU KNOW NOTHING ok? Accept it then kindly shut up!

That's hedging? I am still shocked that retards from NFA still

don't understand what "hedging" really is. The point is, for

profitable traders that is, if the original point of entry is correct,

then it will be profitable or end with a very small loss. But no

regulatory body should dictate trading rule or philosophy. Hedging

is a strategy and a philosophy of trading. Now, there are losers

who flip coins and hedge for the sake of hedging. That is every single

trade they open is done with BUY and SELL and they are tossing a coin.

And these moronic retards then run to NFA to complain about some

brokers. Then NFA comes running saying hedging should be illegal.

Rejects at NFA don't understand hedging either. You should read

their justification for their anti-hedging rule. It's laughable. Hedging

again has nothing to do with lowering any risk. We are all trading

aren't we? Unless you can foresee the future, the very act of

trading is risky so stop blithering nonsense while acting knowledgeable.

Anti-hedging was not designed to protect the loser retail customers.

It was designed to handcuff seriously profitable traders who enter

every single trade with a huge winning percentage and enter all of

them with a strong rule. So even if they have 3 BUYs and 4 SELLs on

the same currency pair all opened at different times mind you, most

of it will be profitable trades. This is what NFA wanted to stop.

Profitable traders. All scalpers depend on hedging to win their

trades. They open trades based on opportunities they see. So

if they do a BUY one minute and 5 minutes later they see a clear
SELL opportunity on the same pair, they will enter it. And nobody

should disallow anyone from doing this. This is HEDGE. Having

offsetting order opened at the same time. Profitable traders do

not hedge to lower their risk. They enter trades when the opportunity

arises. That's TRADING. Now, losers will lose no matter what.

And there is just one kind of hedging. Hedging is hedging.

Having BUY and SELL on the same currency pair concurrently.

That's hedging. What kind of hedging? Laughable comment.

Trust me... soon only the losers will remain in US based brokerage

firms and continue to make them money and continue to complain

to NFA and CFTC and bring on more retard regulations and bring

an end to FX business in USA. While UK firms will flourish. You

think ECN STP firms will adopt MT5 and pay a premium price?

No way. They may hack it and rewrite the codes to suit them

but why? MT4 works great. Build 225 is great. Most offshore

firms are still doing great with build 224. I think CFTC paid

MetaQuotes some huge fee to bring MT5 to the market and

sell to US based firms. I think this is most likely the case.

Test? Test? Value of a platform is for tests, backtests, and

strategy tests? Again laughable comment. Value comes

from being able to do profitable trades without one single

freakin limitation!!! That's the only value profitable traders

care about. Clearly you are some amateur troll!!!

Why does hedge work if your original entry is a decent one?

Uh hellooooooooo... because prices move up and down up and

down up and down and up and down and BUY and SELL opportunities

present itself sometimes every minute. That does not negate your first

order... that will end up being profitable as well. And the second offset

order will be profitable as well. No wonder all great scalpers moved to

a UK firm to do their scalping through ECN STP model. US firms, get

ready to all be shut down. MT5 and CFTC/NFA are out to ruin your business.


Oh brother. Please stop acting like you know what you are talking about STAT.

Re-read your blathering blithering blabber about "hedging" again.

YOU KNOW NOTHING ok? Accept it then kindly shut up!

Talk about blathering blithering blabber!

Hedging. Get over it.



Talk about blathering blithering blabber!

Hedging. Get over it.


See? Nothing of substance.

Thanks for showing all of us that you are a

zero knowledge, failure of a trader forum

Troll and nothing more. Freakin pathetic.

But I know people like you cannot shut the

hell up. Care to re-educate us on what

HEDGING is moron? I know you can't.

Or will you deflect by posting some more

truly retarded stuff? Eh? Again, it is painfully

clear that you know nothing and you are either

a failure as a trader or a failed one. Thanks

for proving it. All I posted were facts. The

fact that you see it as blabber tells me that you

are a freaking retard who really is a failed trader.

We have nothing to learn from failed and failure

traders who don't even know what hedging is

and thinks MT5 is great.


Talk about blathering blithering blabber!

I think somebody's testing a very angry version of ELIZA. The line-breaks are definitely odd, as though the output is being piped in from some other piece of software. And they're clearly not making much headway in their software development: a year on, the bot's dictionary is still far too heavily weighted towards a small number of semantic elements such as "moron" and "retard".


Gordon is a very good programmer...but clearly does not understand hedging as others see it...nor does he believe it possible for others to make money using Hedge...Gordon, I hope you are very successful using MT5.... please wish the rest of us that do make money hedging success using MT4 and don't deny us the option of trading the strategy that works for us...


I think somebody's testing a very angry version of ELIZA. The line-breaks are definitely odd, as though the output is being piped in from some other piece of software. And they're clearly not making much headway in their software development: a year on, the bot's dictionary is still far too heavily weighted towards a small number of semantic elements such as "moron" and "retard".

I didn't bother reading the whole thing before, but now that u mentioned ELIZA, I did (well... most of it anyway). There seems to be a awful lot of info there. Did the program read the entire thread to make the reply...?

The reply to the picture does seem to be a bot's answer. Let's see what the reply to our posts would be.






I'm speaking here as someone who does use hedging myself in a couple of EAs (because it exchanges convenience for a very small cost). So, don't shoot the messenger...

Let's say that in your example you open your buy and sell trades at 1.2000. The price rises to 1.3000 and you close your buy. The price then falls to 1.1000 and you close your sell.

You achieve exactly the same result in terms of account equity by opening a single sell order at 1.3000 and closing it at 1.1000. Regardless of the method, there's the same fundamental decision-making process that 1.3000 constitutes a sell (or resistance) level and 1.1000 constitutes a buy (or support) level. If you're capable of determining the profit targets for a simple pair of hedged orders like this, then you should equally be capable of using those levels as the entry and exit for a single order.

The difference is that the hedging method potentially incurs extra spread, unless your broker allows you to pair off orders using OrderCloseBy(). And, if you have the pair of hedged trades open overnight, then you're paying slightly more swap than in the single-trade version (i.e. in this example, if there's a day-end between opening the trades at 1.2000 and the first trade getting closed at 1.3000).

Oh, and of course, your account balance looks different while the trade(s) are underway. But equity's the same. And that, IMHO, is what matters.


jjc Maybe this will help you understand...The word hedge may be confusing... I trade Martingale going Long and Martingale Shorts at the same time...actually creating a hedged condition...having buys and sells open at the same time.

n8937g wrote >>

jjc Maybe this will help you understand...The word hedge may be confusing... I trade Martingale going Long and Martingale Shorts at the same time...actually creating a hedged condition...having buys and sells open at the same time.


I've been following this with interest, as I thougt that I was missing something important with the first explanation of n8937g.

The frustrating part is that at no point we get to know what the strategy is like. Gordon and detractors are assuming that both trades are entered at the same time, whilst you supporters are suggesting that those trades get triggered depending on price evolution, but that does not help to visualize your idea...

n8937g- could you please give me an example of a successful trade you have made recently? or make up an example of a winning and a losing trade?

I understand that you can increase the probabilities of having a winning trade with martingale, but as far as I know, the very maths base of martingale tells you the chances of losing all your positions in the same trade increase with time, and you cannot keep betting indefinitely.

Thanks all for the interesting (if at times overheated) discussion. I am looking forward to understanding the fundamentals of this.