Make profit 250% a weeks - page 3



EASY MONEY !!! 500*100=...



Because much customer interest our EA as soon.
So, I will sell $500 for 100 Copy only

Please pay to me use
Account: *******

Best Regard,


We don't provide any backtest, demo or trial version. Please check directly at""


Indotraffic, are you hearing the message yet?

Ok I'll reiterate:

€  o|-)



EASY MONEY !!! 500*100=...



Because much customer interest our EA as soon.
So, I will sell $500 for 100 Copy only

Please pay to me use
Account: *******

Best Regard,


We don't provide any backtest, demo or trial version. Please check directly at""


I can make money without sell this EA

If interest please pay to get it,


I can make money without sell this EA

If interest please pay to get it,

Enough already indotraffic.

We hear you.

We have your email address.

We'll all be rushing just to ensure we don't end up being "unlucky number 11".

Go away now please and play in-do-traffic.

Any more posts and you might start (!) to sound desperate.



EASY MONEY !!! 500*100=...



Because much customer interest our EA as soon.
So, I will sell $500 for 100 Copy only

Please pay to me use
Account: *******

Best Regard,


We don't provide any backtest, demo or trial version. Please check directly at""


For the first I want share 10 person only, but must wait 10 high offer untill 17 June 2009

But, must customer complaint want it as soon

So, I change to share 100 copy with price $500


It's entirely possible to manipulate something like MT4Stats. All that's happening is that an HTML report is getting sent via FTP to a web server. The report could say anything. For example, you could do the following:

  • Create a very simple piece of software which replicates MT4's report format
  • Sit in front of your computer, live, working out what would have been a successful trade over e.g. the last 5 or 15 or 30 minutes, and continually feed these historic winning trades into the software.
  • The "report" then shows trades which have been manually selected based on what's been successful.

Very hard to detect if done within the 5-minute reporting granularity of mt4stats. A bit easier to detect if the timeframes of the "trades" are longer. Not particularly hard to automate the selection of the historic winning trades.

Having said all that, I am not claiming that these results have been manipulated.

Please try to create like that, 24 hours live update.



Please try to create like that, 24 hours live update.


yeah, this would be pointless basically to create a fake mt4 live report to scam only 100 people. i told somebody that earlier. if i want to scam someone, I'll mass sell the EA with no limits like don steintz did for 200.00 a piece.

This EA is very interesting, I see working in theory; but, with which broker? At 2 pip profit i would loose every time. If we can match the ea and broker together, then this would be a dream come true for any trader.
This EA is very interesting, I see working in theory; but, with which broker? At 2 pip profit i would loose every time. If we can match the ea and broker together, then this would be a dream come true for any trader.

Yes, find a zero spread broker (they do exist) and start trading with 0 spread and 0 margin. Good Luck to yah! :o)

DayTrader wrote >>

Yes, find a zero spread broker (they do exist) and start trading with 0 spread and 0 margin. Good Luck to yah! :o)

If you can get any penny from that broker I will respect you. LOL


I looked around for these "0" spread brokers, and I did not find any legit. If you know of one or even some brokers why not share with others.

As of right now I don't think they really exist. Craig Karlis tried it, and look at the big investigation they did on his company.

Ahmad; the owner of this EA's obviously knows something we dont, but the MT4 stats he's showing are most likely a demo account, because the real some would be suspended already.