MQL4 Editior bug?


Hi folks,

are there any users having the same problem?

Every time I copied any line(s) by either using ctrl+c or mouse right click to copy, the mql4 editor will have problem and need to close. I have been trying the version given by metatrader and fxpro, they both have the same problem.


OS: window vista home ed.

cpu: 1.8GHz

memory : 1GB

any reply will be appreciated.

thanks heaps

If you use Non-English language and you can change IME, try it.
If you use Non-English language and you can change IME, try it.

I use english in my window vista, no other language in it. same problem keeps dragging me often as I needed to type in all codes again and no copy and paste features allow in my meta editor.


Hi folks,

are there any users having the same problem?

Every time I copied any line(s) by either using ctrl+c or mouse right click to copy, the mql4 editor will have problem and need to close. I have been trying the version given by metatrader and fxpro, they both have the same problem.


OS: window vista home ed.

cpu: 1.8GHz

memory : 1GB

any reply will be appreciated.

thanks heaps

What a pian in the but. A work around could be to use another editor that has the file open in the expert directory with the .mq4 extension. Save the file after editing then inside MT4 use modify expert to open it with MetaEditor and compile it. At least you can make some progress that way. I dare say there will be another release of MT4 to solve Vista problems like yours. Lets face it there is always going to be problems running anything that isn't MS under MS operating systems that's the way they rig it. I wish MT4 people could put more effort in to getting MT4 to run nativley under Linux and not just emulate which is full of problems.

Good Luck

flairflair wrote >>

Hi folks,

are there any users having the same problem?

Every time I copied any line(s) by either using ctrl+c or mouse right click to copy, the mql4 editor will have problem and need to close. I have been trying the version given by metatrader and fxpro, they both have the same problem.


OS: window vista home ed.

cpu: 1.8GHz

memory : 1GB

any reply will be appreciated.

thanks heaps

I have similar pc and everything is working well. The only problem I have is that editor is not updating rules to the end of file when I paste new lines at the end. After reload eberything is fine.

Hope this helps.

flairflair wrote >>

Every time I copied any line(s) by either using ctrl+c or mouse right click to copy, the mql4 editor will have problem and need to close.

I use Windows Vista 64 and I have seen something similar to what you describe. Whenever I save-as and then try to copy text in the new file MetaEditor always crashes when I press control-c. So I have gotten in the habit of closing and re-opening after a save-as operation.

- Tovan


I'm having the same problem with copying, but it doesn't seem to be connected to "Save As".

Even with the following sequence, the program crashes:

1) Open MetaEditor

2) Open built-in example file (e.g. MACD Sample.mq4)

3) Select some text

4) Press Ctrl-C (or Ctrl-X)

[Program crashes]

I'm using Vista Home Premium (Japanese) and MetaEditor 4 Build 225.

This seems to be a bug. Any solutions/workarounds? MetaEditor is pretty much unusable with no copy/paste.

Well, its looks like vista problem.. Go back to XP or hope that windows 7 wont be so bad as vista..

Hi JiriMac,

I’m wondering if he doesn’t have ‘Spyware Doctor’ from PC tools installed as well?

Remember it was giving a ‘False Positive’ warning about your EA being very dangerous.

This is Vista Ultimate Pro 32 bit on a Mach Speed MoBo. I also have another computer with Vista 32, Windows 7 Ultimate with both the 32 & 64 bit version installed and a 64 bit quad core CPU. Unfortunately it is the most unstable computer I have ever had, which is saying something as I had my first computer over 35 years ago. This is a MoBo problem though & not Windows: all 3 versions that I previously mentioned that are installed on that computer unfortunately are all the same way. It won’t even start now. When I get ‘a round 2 it’ I will be ‘holding the MoBo manufacturer’s 'feet to the fire' and demanding a functional replacement’ IE: a different model. It is from MicroStar International, do NOT buy an MSI DKA790GX !

I’m going to either post another thread or change the title of mine about this problem to other Vista users and see if it is a ‘Vista’ problem, which I don’t think that it is.

How is your EA coming along? Raking in the Big Bucks with it yet? I hope so!


Hi Tovan,

Do you happen to have ‘Spyware Doctor’ from PC tools installed as well?

If you do, we all need to contact PC Tools about this and give them the specific information.

Mine 'doesn't NEED to close, it just copies it then closes every time )< 8(


Yep, I've got exactly the same problem )< 8(

Do you happen to also have 'Spyware Doctor' from PC tools installed in your Vista? SD is giving 'false positive' warnings of a virus of a number of the things in MT4. Especially MetaLang.Exe: MQL4's compiler: it quarantines it because it thinks it is that dangerous. I’ve notified them of the problem, they have asked me to send them more info on it, which I have not ‘gotten around 2 it‘ yet.