buffer's color


hi there,

is there a way to set a transparent color for my buffer? i've used this "EMPTY_VALUE", but i still get a lot of black lines all over the place. actually EMPTY_VALUE has the effect of the color Black in my screen :(

any insight is going to be very much appreciated. thanks,,,



More info here: https://docs.mql4.com/constants/special




There aren't any "transparent" colors that I'm aware of. But if you don't want the indicator to display, you can use:



hi Raider & blogzr3,

thank you all so much! both method worked perfectly fine! such relieve to my eyes... i wish you all a lot of pips!!! thanks again,,, :)

brspMA wrote >>

hi there,

is there a way to set a transparent color for my buffer? i've used this "EMPTY_VALUE", but i still get a lot of black lines all over the place. actually EMPTY_VALUE has the effect of the color Black in my screen :(

any insight is going to be very much appreciated. thanks,,,

another way that's sometime more adantagous: (i.e. won't draw at specific bars only rather than whole chart!!)

void SetIndexEmptyValue(

int index, double value)
Sets drawing line empty value. Empty values are not drawn or shown in the DataWindow. By default, empty value is EMPTY_VALUE.


index - Line index. Must lie between 0 and 7.
value - New "empty" value.