MT4 lost my custom indicators ??



today I started MT4 (223) the first time on my new notebook with Windows 7 beta 64 Bit.

At first MT4 shows me the (custom) indicators and experts from the folder:

C:\Users\cas\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\MetaTrader 4\experts\indicators

But then I couldn't get a login to get the quotes so I opened a new demo account (alpari) and right after this

this (my) custom-folder was gone - only the indicators and experts that arein the program-installation-folder:

C:\Program Files (x86)\MetaTrader 4\experts\indicators

are shown and selectable to apply to the chart windows.

Where do I hve to change what to be able to use my indicators again?

Thanks in advancem Carl


[...] Where do I hve to change what to be able to use my indicators again?

The issues around the location of files in Windows 7 are basically the same as in Vista. It's led to lots of questions on this forum, such as 'where are MY files (EA. templates,..) ??'


The issues around the location of files in Windows 7 are basically the same as in Vista. It's led to lots of questions on this forum, such as 'where are MY files (EA. templates,..) ??'


this I either know or I tried.

My problem is not that I can't access my (custom) indicators from 'outside' mt4, but mt4 does not access my (custom) folder that are - a far as I asume - not admin protected.

mt4 'knows' just its own indicators within its (protected) program folder, but it fails to catch the virtualized user folder.

As far as I understand your link it deals with the difficulties of the origin program folder, wel this (only this) is accessed by mt4.


PS: Win 7 Beta only shows once and a while an admin pop up window but it never asked (so far) for the admin password, so the admin protecction in Wiin 7 is not what it seems to be on Vista!



PS: Win 7 Beta only shows once and a while an admin pop up window but it never asked (so far) for the admin password, so the admin protecction in Wiin 7 is not what it seems to be on Vista!

I'm pretty sure that the protection in Windows 7 is much the same as in Vista, though it's a little while since I fired up my Windows 7 beta. 

Personally I tend to do the following from the command prompt whenever using MT4 on Vista or a later operating system:

cacls "c:\program files\<metatrader directory>" /t /e /g everyone:F

cacls "c:\program files\<metatrader directory>\*.exe" /t /e /r everyone

That should remove any attempt by MT4 to use a virtualized folder. Any files already in a virtualized folder then need to put back in their "normal" location within the MT4 directory structure.

This has worked for me - so far - and has eliminated any issues with files being in odd places, or not being picked up. But I haven't done very much testing on Windows 7.


I'm pretty sure that the protection in Windows 7 is much the same as in Vista, though it's a little while since I fired up my Windows 7 beta.

Personally I tend to do the following from the command prompt whenever using MT4 on Vista or a later operating system:

cacls "c:\program files\<metatrader directory>" /t /e /g everyone:F

cacls "c:\program files\<metatrader directory>\*.exe" /t /e /r everyone

That should remove any attempt by MT4 to use a virtualized folder. Any files already in a virtualized folder then need to put back in their "normal" location within the MT4 directory structure.

This has worked for me - so far - and has eliminated any issues with files being in odd places, or not being picked up. But I haven't done very much testing on Windows 7.

Thanks jjc,

but - Windows what a shitty system!! a Sec.prg has had the simular prolems with win - cacls is announced as deprecated for vista and of course for Wiin 7 Beta as I asume and replaced by icacls look here, but when tried to run icacls with my ../AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\MetaTrader 4\

stopped because it (due to the space before Files (x86)) thought Files is an option which it does not know - wow, how brilliant!!

Next I tried to reinstall MT4 but the same happens again: MT4 shows in its DataWiindow only the files tthat are in MT$'s program folder not knowing anything about its user folder.

BTW a similar problem has MT4's Editor. Its Navigator-Window (Tab Files) only shows the files in it's program folder but at least if I cklick on the folder icon (to open files = ctrl o) the select window is allready in my correct user folder: ..\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\MetaTrader 4\experts\indicators.

sigh, "what a mess for day dream ..."

Workaround would be at the moment to make links for each file into MT4's program folder.

Either for each file individually or does anybody know how I can (by link) make accessable the whole content of the

...\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\MetaTrader 4\experts\*

in C:\Program Files (x86)\MetaTrader 4\ where the program-expert\ folder of MT4 is, but I would have there then two folders with the same name?

Or I wait until MT4 offers a - realted to this 'feature' - a debuged version?

Regards, Carl


[...] stopped because it (due to the space before Files (x86)) thought Files is an option which it does not know - wow, how brilliant!!

I still haven't re-fired up my copy of Windows 7, but it's standard for command-line apps that filenames which include spaces need to be enclosed in quotation marks. Have you tried that?


I'm don't know what is happening on your installation, but on my Windows 7, I don't have problems seeing custom EAs and indicators.

The original ones (with the installation) are visible under the original c:\program files... folder - everything else that is custom goes under the Virtualstore folder. To see them, or copy files to/from them, I need to click the Virtualstore button near the top of the explorer window.

But I agree, whatever W7 is doing, it's a terrible mess. The answer I believe is to NOT install MT4 under c:\program files... but under any other folder that is not considered as "special" by Win7. I haven't tried that yet, so I can't say for sure whether it will work or not.


I still haven't re-fired up my copy of Windows 7, but it's standard for command-line apps that filenames which include spaces need to be enclosed in quotation marks. Have you tried that?

I just try again:

first icacls C:\Users\cas\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\MetaTrader 4\

Unfgültiger Parameter: "Files"

which means invalid parameter: "Files"

now with "..":

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7000]
Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

C:\Users\cas>icacls C:\Users\cas\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\MetaTrader 4\
Ungültiger Parameter: "Files"

C:\Users\cas>icacls "C:\Users\cas\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\MetaTrader 4\"
C:\Users\cas\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\MetaTrader 4": Die Syntax für den Datein
amen, Verzeichnisnamen oder die Datenträgerbezeichnung ist falsch.
0 Dateien erfolgreich verarbeitet, bei 1 Dateien ist ein Verarbeitungsfehler aufgetreten.


MS-reply in English (my translation): The syntax for filenames folder names or the volume names is wrong.

0 files successful ...

any question?


I'm don't know what is happening on your installation, but on my Windows 7, I don't have problems seeing custom EAs and indicators.

The original ones (with the installation) are visible under the original c:\program files... folder - everything else that is custom goes under the Virtualstore folder. To see them, or copy files to/from them, I need to click the Virtualstore button near the top of the explorer window.

But I agree, whatever W7 is doing, it's a terrible mess. The answer I believe is to NOT install MT4 under c:\program files... but under any other folder that is not considered as "special" by Win7. I haven't tried that yet, so I can't say for sure whether it will work or not.

Well my problem is not to see the Virtualstore files but for example to use the experts or indicatators in the strategy tester.

Of course I can see, open, change and save them there and at installation they all were put there, but MT4 can't use them - so far. And MT4 (and Firefox) has not the virtualstore-icon to cklick on.


Well my problem is not to see the Virtualstore files but for example to use the experts or indicatators in the strategy tester.

Of course I can see, open, change and save them there and at installation they all were put there, but MT4 can't use them - so far. And MT4 (and Firefox) has not the virtualstore-icon to cklick on.

My mistake, I meant the Compatibility files (rather than Virtualstore) button at the top of Windows Explorer. Clicking on the button allows me to see the list of customer EAs/installation added after the installation.

From MT4's point of view however, they are all in the "same" folder, and MT4 can open/modify/save and use/run them without the need for running any "icalcs" program or similar.

I just noticed you are on Win7 64-bit, whereas I am on 32-bit, but it is difficult to see how something like that can affect the behavior of files and folders.