your opinion, about my EA Bot


ive been working on my Bot/EA for 7 months now, and if you are also an XP EA Bot coder, let me know what you think of this stats

these stats where made with a max spread of 30, currency EUR against USD.

period 1 Minute (M1) 2009.03.02 20:37 - 2009.03.31 23:59 (2009.03.02 - 2009.04.01)

the first image is stats where by i dont delete/close any minus orders,

no close

but no matter how good your bot is, and you wanna become better you gotta close/delete orders if you like it or not cause with any drawndown is a chance of bankruptcy - unless you have money management

i have made this bot purely to make the most out of minimum budget, but this is with closin minus orders

TradeBotJB 1.36

let me know what you think, thnx


It's a little on the risky side, but looks like it's doing pretty well. Now try it on other months and see if the performance holds up. You might be disappointed - maybe not though.

Good luck.

- Tovan


ive been working on my Bot/EA for 7 months now, and if you are also an XP EA Bot coder, let me know what you think of this stats

these stats where made with a max spread of 30, currency EUR against USD.

period 1 Minute (M1) 2009.03.02 20:37 - 2009.03.31 23:59 (2009.03.02 - 2009.04.01)

the first image is stats where by i dont delete/close any minus orders,

no close

but no matter how good your bot is, and you wanna become better you gotta close/delete orders if you like it or not cause with any drawndown is a chance of bankruptcy - unless you have money management

i have made this bot purely to make the most out of minimum budget, but this is with closin minus orders

TradeBotJB 1.36

let me know what you think, thnx

send me your ea so i can test it aswell

tovan wrote >>

It's a little on the risky side, but looks like it's doing pretty well. Now try it on other months and see if the performance holds up. You might be disappointed - maybe not though.

Good luck.

- Tovan

Hi Tovan,

Thnx for your reply, i have seen that you where in the championship of 2008, are you planning on joining the 2009 championship?

if my bot/EA is ready by then i will see if i can also join the championship.

and how long have you been bussy building bots

Greets JB

JohnnyBlade wrote >>

Hi Tovan,

Thnx for your reply, i have seen that you where in the championship of 2008, are you planning on joining the 2009 championship?

if my bot/EA is ready by then i will see if i can also join the championship.

and how long have you been bussy building bots

Greets JB

Hey JB,

I've been doing this for about a year - with about 6-months of live trading before that. I've gotten pretty good at MQL, but my strategy is still a work in progress. So...I don't have anything today that is worthy of the competition. We'll see when the next one comes along - everything changes with time. I have several strategies that I'm working on so who knows, hopefully one will work for me eventually.

Good luck with yours.

- Tovan

delcor wrote >>

send me your ea so i can test it aswell

Supp Delcor,

first of all, day by day i am a .Net developer/Coder so dont ask me to send me my EA - a real Coder does not just send out his Bot for just anyone to Try, Catch, Dispose

tovan wrote >>

Hey JB,

I've been doing this for about a year - with about 6-months of live trading before that. I've gotten pretty good at MQL, but my strategy is still a work in progress. So...I don't have anything today that is worthy of the competition. We'll see when the next one comes along - everything changes with time. I have several strategies that I'm working on so who knows, hopefully one will work for me eventually.

Good luck with yours.

- Tovan

Thnx man, U 2

This issue, (and also your post, 'Tester Spread Problem') had me going for a small while, while workin on my bot - cause when i tested during working hours

my bot was showing more better results, then in a weekend and especially when showing to some friends but then the Bot goes bankRupt, so it almost looked like it all the hard work was not paying off

like mayb 5 months later i decided to code the Spread into ma code, where suddenly my bot did not buy anymore in tester but in real live it did, and thats how i found that kinda friendly bug

cause of that it made my bot smarter in the end. I see it like debugging the market

Q: how much time do you spend on coding on your Bot


JohnnyBlade wrote >>

Thnx man, U 2

This issue, (and also your post, 'Tester Spread Problem') had me going for a small while, while workin on my bot - cause when i tested during working hours

my bot was showing more better results, then in a weekend and especially when showing to some friends but then the Bot goes bankRupt, so it almost looked like it all the hard work was not paying off

like mayb 5 months later i decided to code the Spread into ma code, where suddenly my bot did not buy anymore in tester but in real live it did, and thats how i found that kinda friendly bug

cause of that it made my bot smarter in the end. I see it like debugging the market

Q: how much time do you spend on coding on your Bot


Yeah, that one had me confused for a while too. There are enough people complaining lately that I'm hoping it will get fixed sometime soon. I was trying to do some back testing just a couple of hours ago, but when the market opened my EURUSD spread jumped from 2 to 9 pips instantly. So I had to wait a while for the live market spreads to come back down to start back testing again on the offline data. Seems kind of backwards so I'm guessing it must have been an oversight in the original concepts of the Strategy Tester.

As for time - well, it depends. Software is not what I do for a living, just a hobby (only programming I had done much of before this was microcontroller assembly language), and my work schedule has been very busy lately despite the hard economic times so it's tough to find time to work on this stuff some weeks. On average, though, I probably spend about 20 hours a week between coding, researching, and testing. Wish I could do more, but it forces me to make some hard decisions about priorities sometimes. I wish I could make enough money at this to call it my job, but I'm far from that now and I have a pretty good engineering job now so I would have to make a lot on the market to replace that. Oh well...some day maybe.

Good luck with your work.

- Tovan