Forex Confusion???


You know, I have been doing by own thinking about Forex. Here is

what I came out with.

1. We the buyer/seller are the first to react.

a) Hence, we input our actions into the system, be it a long, a short, a limit, etc...

2. The banks and the dealers then react to us.

a) This means they have HUGE ADVANTAGE. They can fabricate numbers to their advantage because they

have in their database all our choices and actions already.



How do we the customers know any better??? How can we prevent Banks and Dealer Desk from fabricating numbers to their

advantage??? Huh??

Therefore, let's hope we side with or align with the path with the bank or the dealer desk fabricated choice. We simply don't know.

We may win and we may lose because the Banks and Dealer Desk are certainly not friends.


From my perspective of view, you have two choices:

1. You agree with rules of the game, and play it

2. You don't agree and find another job :)

I mean, this is job for only those who wants to make money with rules that exists. I mean, maybe they are working together, maybe not, but you have charts, you have oportunity to make money. From my point of view I think they don't fix data or something like that, because 5 of my friends and I have all separate accounts, and sometimes we work together, and there were no deferent prices for same broker (and broker doesn't know that we are friends, and sometimes we work together, of course :) )

stradz wrote >>

From my perspective of view, you have two choices:

1. You agree with rules of the game, and play it

2. You don't agree and find another job :)

I mean, this is job for only those who wants to make money with rules that exists. I mean, maybe they are working together, maybe not, but you have charts, you have oportunity to make money. From my point of view I think they don't fix data or something like that, because 5 of my friends and I have all separate accounts, and sometimes we work together, and there were no deferent prices for same broker (and broker doesn't know that we are friends, and sometimes we work together, of course :) )

Dude, I have a perfect system. If I win, I can either win big or win small. If I do lose, I will lose small only. To each his or her own their own success, I will not share my system though.

And you miss the point entirely. You are basically talking about teaming against Banks and Dealer Desks: you and your friends are not big enough to really win over them. You may be lucky that the Banks and Dealer Desks are moving in your favor. You can be ruin eventually though.

And then you go on talking about charts, trends, and news. Who is to say that the market should and must follow them at once or in a while? I believe you are too overconfident and you will fall eventually from naiveness. Me, however, I will reap from my perfect "holy grail". I will win more than anybody can imagine. And I repeat that I will not share my system. Therefore, don't ask me for my system.

Since you are confident, best of luck to you and everyone who is overconfident.


Dude, I have a perfect system. If I win, I can either win big or win small. If I do lose, I will lose small only. To each his or her own their own success, I will not share my system though.

And you miss the point entirely. You are basically talking about teaming against Banks and Dealer Desks: you and your friends are not big enough to really win over them. You may be lucky that the Banks and Dealer Desks are moving in your favor. You can be ruin eventually though.

And then you go on talking about charts, trends, and news. Who is to say that the market should and must follow them at once or in a while? I believe you are too overconfident and you will fall eventually from naiveness. Me, however, I will reap from my perfect "holy grail". I will win more than anybody can imagine. And I repeat that I will not share my system. Therefore, don't ask me for my system.

Since you are confident, best of luck to you and everyone who is overconfident.

Dude, I have a perfect system

Me, however, I will reap from my perfect "holy grail"

I will win more than anybody can imagine



wait for it...


 I believe you are too overconfident 

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