please, look into my code


Hi, please help me,

this script is writing out the data from opened chart. (high, low....)

I would like to modify this script, to take as input the currency pairs

(aud-usd, or eur-usd...) and the time frame and write out the data to file

//| chart_write.mq4 |
//| |
#property copyright "kal"
#property link "lll"
#property show_inputs

extern datetime BeginDate = D'2009.02.11';
extern datetime EndDate = D'2009.03.31';
extern string Separator = ",";

//| script program start function |
void start()
int i, b=0, bb=0, eb;
string comm, st;
string fn=Symbol()+Period()+" "+
TimeToStr(BeginDate, TIME_DATE)+"-"+
TimeToStr(EndDate, TIME_DATE)+".csv";

for (i=Bars; i>0; i--)
if (Time[i]>=BeginDate && Time[i]<=EndDate)
if (bb==0) bb=i;
st=TimeToStr(Time[i], TIME_DATE)+Separator+
TimeToStr(Time[i], TIME_MINUTES)+Separator+
DoubleToStr(Open[i], Digits)+Separator+
DoubleToStr(High[i], Digits)+Separator+
DoubleToStr(Low[i], Digits)+Separator+
DoubleToStr(Close[i], Digits)+Separator+
DoubleToStr(Volume[i], 0);
WritingLineInFile(fn, st);

comm="Íŕ÷ŕëî: "+TimeToStr(Time[bb], TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES)+"\n";
comm=comm+"Ęîíĺö: "+TimeToStr(Time[eb], TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES)+"\n";
comm=comm+"Âűăđóćĺíî áŕđîâ: "+DoubleToStr(b, 0);


//| |
void WritingLineInFile(string FileName, string text)
int file_handle=FileOpen(FileName, FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE, " ");

if (file_handle>0)
FileSeek(file_handle, 0, SEEK_END);
FileWrite(file_handle, text);