Turning off Logs


Is it possible to turn off the logging option with MT4?

My EAs and indicators log so much garbage data, i would like to turn it off.

c0d3 wrote >>

Is it possible to turn off the logging option with MT4?

My EAs and indicators log so much garbage data, i would like to turn it off.

I don't know if there is any better way to do it, but I just right click and delete log files and start recording new logs. If there is something I really want to review, just select all, copy and paste in MS Word and save in another folder. It works for me, hope it helps.


I don't know if there is any better way to do it, but I just right click and delete log files and start recording new logs. If there is something I really want to review, just select all, copy and paste in MS Word and save in another folder. It works for me, hope it helps.

Elo. I'm a programmer who is idling. I'm writing MQL4 scripts. Here is my little log mechanism that I hope you find useful. Put it into an include file.

Deleting log files


First up, if you start MT4 from the command line you can write a batch file to do that and inside the batch file you can get it to remove all the log files.

I hate using DOS - it is so clumsy. My Cygwin command looks something like "find '/e/program files/metatrader' -iname '*.log' -exec rm -f {} \;".

Reducing the garbage


I call this include file "mcblog.mqh". You have to put it into the "include" directory and "#include" it in your EA.

Then you can log stuff this way, and use the "verbosity" mechanism to limit the garbage that collects in your log file.


log(TYP_LOG_INFO, sMyName, Time[g_nBarStart], "nNewStopLoss=" + nNewStopLoss);


static int TYP_LOG_FATAL = 1;
static int TYP_LOG_ERROR = 3;
static int TYP_LOG_WARNING = 5;
static int TYP_LOG_INFO = 7;
static int TYP_LOG_DEBUG = 9;
extern int g_nLogVerbosity = 10;

string appendWithSeparator(string sMessage, string sItem, string sSeparator)
string result = sMessage;
if (sItem != "")
if (result != "")
result = result + sSeparator;
result = result + sItem;

string toStringTimeStamp(datetime nTimeStamp, datetime nDefault)
string result = "";
if (nTimeStamp <= 0)
nTimeStamp = nDefault;
if (nTimeStamp > 0)
result = TimeToStr(nTimeStamp, TIME_DATE | TIME_SECONDS);

void log(int nLogType, string sMyName, datetime nTimeStamp, string p_sMessage)
if (nLogType <= g_nLogVerbosity)
string sMessage = "";
sMessage = appendWithSeparator(sMessage, toStringTimeStamp(nTimeStamp, TimeCurrent()), " ");
sMessage = appendWithSeparator(sMessage, sMyName, " ");
if (nLogType == TYP_LOG_ERROR)
int nError = GetLastError();
string sError = ErrorDescription(nError);
sMessage = appendWithSeparator(sMessage, "ERROR: " + nError + " (" + sError + ")", " ");
else if (nLogType == TYP_LOG_WARNING)
sMessage = appendWithSeparator(sMessage, "WARNING:", " ");
sMessage = appendWithSeparator(sMessage, p_sMessage, " ");
if (nLogType == TYP_LOG_FATAL)

void commentLog(string sMessage)
static string sMyName = "commentLog";

log(TYP_LOG_INFO, sMyName, 0, sMessage);


First up, if you start MT4 from the command line you can write a batch file to do that and inside the batch file you can get it to remove all the log files.

I hate using DOS - it is so clumsy. My Cygwin command looks something like "find '/e/program files/metatrader' -iname '*.log' -exec rm -f {} \;".

Using the same assumption that each MetaTrader installation within Program Files will have "metatrader" in its folder name, then a simple DOS equivalent to delete all log files from all copies of MetaTrader goes as follows:

for /D %A in ("%ProgramFiles%\*metatrader*") do del %A\*.log /s

Needs modification on 64-bit systems, because it'll otherwise look for MetaTrader in the 64-bit version of Program Files rather than the 32-bit version.

"Clumsiness" is in the eye of the beholder - it isn't too elegant to suggest going to the lengths of installing Cygwin just to delete some files on a batched basis.


jjc: Ye that's a fair comment. I was just too lazy to post the DOS version. You could add "/q" to the "/s" and I think you have to wrap the %A in double quotes like this:

for /d %A in ("u:\program files\*metatrader*") do del /s/q "%A"\*.log

Using the same assumption that each MetaTrader installation within Program Files will have "metatrader" in its folder name, then a simple DOS equivalent to delete all log files from all copies of MetaTrader goes as follows:

for /D %A in ("%ProgramFiles%\*metatrader*") do del %A\*.log /s

Needs modification on 64-bit systems, because it'll otherwise look for MetaTrader in the 64-bit version of Program Files rather than the 32-bit version.

"Clumsiness" is in the eye of the beholder - it isn't too elegant to suggest going to the lengths of installing Cygwin just to delete some files on a batched basis.