Anyone using Windows 7?


For the build 221 update, what happens after you get the pop-up window asking "Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to this computer?" Click "yes" and nothing happens. Is there something else that needs to be done.

Um, yes I know it's beta and all that stuff, and this is only running a test system.

Don't worry, it's normal.

The reason I'm asking is with Windows XP for eg, you get a Live Update window which shows you the progress of the download with the restart button at the end. After the restart, the build shows 221.

In the W7 case, there is no update window and the version does not show it as being updated to 221 after restarting. So can you clarify what you mean by "normal"?
In W7 is not allowed to write something in the Program derictory, but MT try to write logs and config files, so system ask you about permit. All new files are written to the virtual derictory.
blogzr3 wrote >>

For the build 221 update, what happens after you get the pop-up window asking "Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to this computer?" Click "yes" and nothing happens. Is there something else that needs to be done.

Um, yes I know it's beta and all that stuff, and this is only running a test system.

I have the same problem with Vista. Not sure how to fix it. The only way I have found to get things to run a little more normally under Vista is to right-click on the MetaTrader icon and select "Run as administrator". Then Live Update seems to work.

- Tovan