Some Ideas to Select Trading Signals - page 8

Eu concordo totalmente com você!
Thanks for the compliments, glad to help, a compliment is always contagious and encourages  us to get and do even better .....
I even agree with you that a scalper technique can be a good deal, but the signal system of MeaQuotes isn't good for this.

Who guarantees that the Signal Provider is  going to place a Stop Loss for each transaction, how to  know this in the current signal system MetaQuotes?

What is the delay time of the scalper emit a signal until my terminal server?

There  statistical data that the signal provider does not show for non-customers, 
important data, as in the example  that I put  in the my worksheet. SISTAR19, he doesn't  put some data, only when is  customer. The Metaquotes should not give this option to the server, all data should be shown. Thus MetaQuotes protects the signal provider instead of  the customer.

Just by this  reasons above,   I already  have justified in not accepting scalper in the  system of MetaQuotes
I agree and believe that a system needs to average 4 or more pips to be followed profitably.
Here already  has  been  placed a suggestion to organize the ideas of this posting, complementing this suggestion. We could  transform this post into an article,  with the objective  of assisting the customers to  seek a signal operator to invest your money.
Here already  has  been  placed a suggestion to organize the ideas of this posting, complementing this suggestion. We could  transform this post into an article,  with the objective  of assisting the customers to  seek a signal operator to invest your money.
I think the community would receive it well.  Customer Service says they are making improvements, so it would be good to see what they come up with before we publish our book...

My home work: MQL5 rating growth analysis after 10 days


Growth Growth Growth

04/14/2013 04/23/2013 10
1 5944% 4292% -1652%
2 24% 24% 0%
3 4% 4% 0%
4 171% 209% 38%
5 1099% 1271% 172%
6 172% 222% 50%
7 88% 97% 9%
8 87% 87% 0%
9 141% 142% 1%
10 90% 118% 28%

  Methodology Growth -1354%

In my opinion the spreadsheet from Paulo is better than compare signals using this table, because we can analyse using several parameters, so I will start to use it to analyse trading signals and/or publishing results here.

Edited by moderator : Please don't publish link to Signals in the forum.

Seems like there are some problems with uploaded files. Nothing is available, is that the authors may republish ?
With the goal of create instruments for customers to select a signal,  I did   a table with statistical data that are available by MetaQuotes. I added some personal analyzes, do not know if I hit the recipe, so I request to the friends to look at this table. Add to improve and remove what will bring harm. 

I created a scoring system, where at the end we'll have the average of each Signal Provider. This score is a personal opinion and I'm sure that is not the best, Because I'm still beginner in subject, make only three years that I try to invest in FOREX. I came to the conclusion that my psychological profile do not fit to invest on their own. I'll start investing through signal providers, so I'm dedicating me to this post.

Congratulations for your hard work. I will comment on the point by point, it will be easier for the discussion.

  Time in Day/ Profit / Initial Deposit 

Here we have the percentage of profit day ( time full of life  of the signal operation divided  by days). 

My personal Score 

0,005= 1/2 % : 5 point 

0,006 - 0,010 = 0,6 - 1%  : 6 point

0,010 - 0,015 = 1 - 1,5 % : 7 point

0,015 - 0,020 = 1 - 2,0% :  8 point

0,020 - 0,025 = 2 - 2,5% :  9 point

0,025 - .......> = 2,5 .......> :  10 point

Sorry but I don't understand. What is 0.006 - 0.010 for example ?


 FULL Growth / Month

Here we have the percentage of profit Month ( time full of life  of the signal operation divided  by months)

My Personal Score:

> to 1 % = 0      < 1% = 1

> 1 to 2% = 1              = 2

> 2 to 4% = 5

> 4 to 6% = 7

> 6 to  8% = 8

> 8 to 10% = 9

Any value greater than 10%= 10

I will not put 0 for a percentage less than 1% per month. See my proposal above.


Profit Factor

My Personal Score: my Friends, here i nedd Help, i don't know if I did the score  correct

to 0,0 = 0

>0,0 to 0,05 = 1

> 0,05 to 0,25 = 2

> 0,25 to 0,50 = 3

> 0,50 to 0,75 = 5

> 0,75 to 1,00 = 6

< 1.0               = 0

> 1,00 to 1,25 = 2

> 1,25 to 1,50 = 4

> 1,50 to 2,00 = 6

Any value greater than 2,00 = 10

Profit factor < 1.0 is a losing system. Profit factor = absolute value of (Gross Profit / Gross Loss).