Hopes for MQL5...


Our indicators and EAs are getting more and more complex, and the programing enviroment (the Editor) is becoming

more of a limitation. I'm not used to this and find it fairly frustrating at times.

I dunno what to expect of MQL5, and this may come a little late, but I hope they have taken at least a small step towards RAD by:

removing global constants, variables, and most importantly all functions away from the editor window and to

a "tree pane". It would be a HUGHE relief to have atleast the functions out of the way, and not cluttering the workspace as they do now.

See picture from my favorite RAD enviroment and you'll see what I mean.

image255.zip  67 kb

To MetaTrader 5 Developer,

I think all of people have many imagination of MQL5, but i believe that more functions it is, more crash occur~ ~

for example, many people suffer from Windows Vista, although Vista have high security--> lots of software/game can't run, unless u have do lots of searching on internet, to modify a lot, which is annoying and time-consuming ~ ~

I suppose MQL5 Developer should not do something over mass' needy.

I know To get a balance between good stable and needy is not easy!

And I believe 2 things are contradicted

To my Opinion debug point by point and prevent others decompile is not useful, just Print and find out the variable value in the .log file, it already the best debug method ~ ~ Besides, if someone want to steal your idea, nomatter how you encrypt your code, your code still can steal/copy by them, just backtest in visual mode, it easy to get the idea of your Enter/Exit method~ ~

if u developing they, i hope you should not spend time on they, make a stop loss of they !

I believe "Being Simple is the Best", lots of function let you can't concentrate to your main task !


Also, a very useful "search" function would be supremely awesome. Sometimes, I simply wish to edit a single word, or have forgotten a parenthesis on every word of a certain type, or for instance add NormalizeDouble() at the beginnings of lines, and it is very tiresome to have to search line by line throughout the program.

When the objective is progaming efficient routines to make money Mql4 does the job and its enough for me.

Right on with you Chiwing ! I certainly do not want to see bugs ending up in big losses in my accounts just for the sake of a nicer interface.

Yet a more performant audit track would not be luxury !!!