Rating System of Trading Signals Improved - page 2


It looks like that the signals can just be sorted by rating?

Not like before (Profit, DD. , Pips)


Yes, every strategy is a Black Box. And our rating is based on people voting - yes, they are voting with their money when subscribing to a signal. This means that in most cases, they have analyzed the signal with all the details before subscription. In the end if you have the more subscribers than other provider, you will get a better position because of more people trust you.

The sorting option based on much more params is a good idea, we already planned to implement it.


But how can someone get subscribers when he does not appear in the ranking?

I guess the number of Subscribers should not be important for the ranking. 


It looks like that the signals can just be sorted by rating?

Not like before (Profit, DD. , Pips)

You can sort by the following . . .



but first you have to select the type of Signal you are interested in , MT4 or MT5 ?  real, demo or contest ? 


You can sort by the following . . .



but first you have to select the type of Signal you are interested in , MT4 or MT5 ?  real, demo or contest ? 


Finally it is woprking again.



It's very unclear for me, why a signal with 0 subscribers and obviously less good results is positioned on 2nd place.


For me, a good trading signals rating system must focus in protect the subscribers against themselves.

In practice, each investor has their own formula for selecting trading signals, and that is very complex since the signals are black boxes.

So, in my opinion, consider that the more subscribers connect to the signal, the more credibility it has, is a mistake.

If the signal loose performance and is free it will be very slow to rating system detect this, since most of the subscribers don't change so fast. 

Leave these signals just because subscribers information with higher scores will encourage the use of a strategy that is no longer aligned with the market. 

In this sense, my suggestions to protect the subscribers are improve terminal sort options (for instance include profit factor, expected payoff, etc) and create a rating formule that balances performance and other main factors, like number of trades, time in the market, growth, profit factor, recovery factor, etc. 


yes, I completely agree with you. 

It's very unclear for me, why a signal with 0 subscribers and obviously less good results is positioned on 2nd place.

fortunately, this time 'signal services list' for MT4, already have search filter,,,,, so we can choose which signal is actually the best.

Best criteria for signal provider, in my opinion:
1. Max Drawdown = 0% - 40%
2. Trading Time in Weeks = 100-200

3. Trades per week = 2-500

* Annual Profit stable at least 10%

* Make sure that Signal Provider have withdrawal records,,,, at least 20% of amount 'Initial Deposit'.

* Make sure also that Signal Provider doesn't have record of "Current Drawdown" positive or negative .... If any, just wait for 1-2 days until the "Current Drawdown" notes is clear.


After searching using this automatic MQl4 filter and filtering manual,,,, from all signal services here, I only found 1 or 2 Signal Provider..... which is I consider they're good enough.

There are no free lunches. At the end of the day, every subscriber must do his homework.

I suggest the rating according to number of subscribers should have a minor effect on the total rating, as other colleagues mentioned that most of traders are newbies and they might be following the wrong signal.

in addition i suggest the age of the signal should pay a big role in rating a signal., as most signals we see make fast profits in couple of months and then looses  everything. one has to find a signal that survives different market conditions  through out a longer period of time.


Is it possible to export a summary of all signal providers to csv so we can perform our own selection search based on our own search criterea.

e.g. Some how export the full signal list shown in the MT4 terminal as shown below?