Chart Axis Fonts - page 2

This indicator might helps you - 'Сетка'

Can you provide the same info in English ?

A Tool: Horizontal Grid Plotter,
A Tool: Vertical Grid Plotter,

I'm using IBFX on a laptop. Display set to 1280by800 All the text Comments/dates/prices all show at the size of this text. Size 10 I think
MT4 is the worlds leading platform but the support is pathetic, am not getting a solution for a simple problem. I am using a 6 monitor multi display. Am not able to see the X and Y axis variables from a distance and unable to increase the size.. can any one advice as to how to increase the size. The technical support is useless.


Hi, lucky friends!

Good solution - be closer to yours excellent monitors.
Look deeper, enjoy the moment.

Best regards,

P.S. I am also lucky, see my workplace
Anybody considered this useful looking pack of functions?

hi there,

i am using a multi monitor set up with 12 screen, the font size on the Y axis is too small i have tried increasing the resolution but no help :( the graph size (candles etc) increases but not the font of the digits on the Y-AXIS.. did not expect this frm MT4 the worlds most used Trading Platform and the Support of MetaQuotes is shamefully useless..



Does anybody know a right answer for increasing font size of y-axis ?


Window start -> Control Panel -> Display?

A Tool: Horizontal Grid Plotter,
A Tool: Vertical Grid Plotter,

This issue has been ignored by MT4's devs for the best part of a decade now. It's ludicrous - everything else on my screen is 18-point or larger, and there's MT4 (running under Wine) with stupid 6pt system-font garbage - unless I have popup prices on, I can't see a damn thing.

With that by way of background... I might have a crack at forking from Ais's files and force MT4 to write large-font prices 'over' Ais's grid plot (similar to how "Magnified Price" scripts work).

That way it should be possible to set "foreground colour" == "background colour" in the chart options to make MT4's stupid micro-font disappear, and the forked Ais files will replaced the axis labels using decent-sized fonts (although they would have to be INSIDE the chart area, sadly).

Maybe the devs sit REALLY close to their monitors as a result of watching too much pr0n.


 I found a solution. Is this what you are looking for? If so...