Moving Averages from diferent time frames


I would like to be able to place moving averages from different time frame on a chart. Say the 200EMA H4, 200EMA H1, and the 200EMA on the M5 current chart. I have looked for a modified version of the custom MA because I'm sure some one would have built this by now. I can program it into an EA but I want to put it on the chart while I back test to get a visual of the trade opportunities. It would also be nice if it could offset using shift.



instead of array version MA[...], use function iMA(...)
abstract_mind wrote >>
instead of array version MA[...], use function iMA(...)

I have never coded an indicator so I have no idea what you are talking about. I just thought there might be one already coded to do what I'm asking.


I am not sure whether it is the same, and I might be wrong, but try the following:

ema 200 H4 ---> corresponds to ema 9600 M5

every hour has a number of 5 minutes periods. As you want ema 200 h4, then period_m5 = 200*4*60/5 = 9600