Im confused (like a cow in a butchershop)

Ok. I looked around and you can tell by the amount of posts...Im new. Is there a link or something that can help me make sense of MQL4 and more importantly Meta Trader? Thank you.

suuure! here for MQL4 book/tutorial and is download somewhere too and i think is .chm/winHelpFileFormat too?

u not far wrong by looking at the many articles published on this site to learn about Client Terminal.

using search box on every page top right is vip good tool, and then results page show on left, breakdown of hits per type of document source.

so important to spend time learning HOWTO use site search. course really stuck, use google eg:

<wat u look for key words><whitespace>site:

long as all site pages are spidered, u may find even more than sites search box

but... sites search box is cool and does work good!

have fun