Problem in NormalizeDouble

I need 5th digit after decimal from price quote, it will display when using DoubleToStr function. I want to store a vlue get from object and use it for further calcullation i.e "price2"
could anyone please help me to solve this problem
objget.mq4  2 kb

int temp = yourValue *10000;

int lastDigit = MathMod(temp, 10);


int temp = yourValue *10000;

int lastDigit = MathMod(temp, 10);

phy Sir,

Thanks for your help, my question was wrong i update it in indicator comments. Please take a look again attached indicator

thanks for your help

objget_1.mq4  2 kb

pls help me

get 5th digit value store into an double for calculation


Mohammed Rafi kp

i mean bid value
Please stop posting to old posts . . create your own in future. And I already answered in the other old post you posted to . . .