1h & 4h DDE Syntax for OpenOffice Calculator

Does anyone here know and can help me how should i write the correct DDE syntax if I would like to have 1 hour and 4 hours Open, High and Low? I tried modified the standard syntax used for Daily High low i.e. =DDE("MT4";"LOW";"EURUSD") to =DDE("MT4";"LOW";"H4";"EURUSD") but not working.

Appreciate your feedback and help.
Does anyone here know and can help me how should i write the correct DDE syntax if I would like to have 1 hour and 4 hours Open, High and Low? I tried modified the standard syntax used for Daily High low i.e. =DDE("MT4";"LOW";"EURUSD") to =DDE("MT4";"LOW";"H4";"EURUSD") but not working.

Appreciate your feedback and help.

I think the dde-server of MQ just gives you the ticks.

The high and low that comes by dde are the ones of the day - compare the data window with your sheet.

I wont help to amand the dde-oder. There is a fix windows grammer:

(from http://www.taltech.com/TALtech_web/support/dde_sw/ddeunder.htm)

The DDE Application Name is almost always the executable filename for the server application (without the .EXE extension).

The DDE Topic typically identifies a group or category of data in the server application and each data item that a server can provide has a unique DDE Item Name.

Thus, the Application Name, Topic, and Item Name identify the exact source of the data in a server application that is to be linked.

(Similar to a telephone number with the three parts: Area Code, Exchange and Number.)

So you only can get what the dde server offers and the MT4 does not offer toooo much.

I think one has to build one's own 1h and 4h bars :( which will be a quite difficult sheet..
