Why no news about MQL5 ?...



After my offer to help peoplewith their EA's, I've had loads of requests for help that I'd like to get on with.

The MQL5 video clearly shows some MASSIVE improvements over MQL4 that I would like to use.

I'd like a more robust environemnt for my EA code and more "black-box" style code with objects and such...

Please give us an update...


u may find following crazy but fwiw... cuz i not gonna hold breath on '5' and anyway, do u believe first,second,xxth release is gonna be trustworthy with YOUR money?

i stick to '4' - make my pile then play with '5' - lol


i use very pseudo oop:

1. *.mqh become my objects

2. in each .mqh are 1 or more functions which all relate to each other eg, eaTradeOps.mqh - i got the 'group of 5' i/f functions here.

3. it can happen that for a functional area, there are 1 or more common 'jobs' that more than 1 functions need to do... so like any good function, i 'encapsulate' the job into it...

BUT - this function although at EA global scope, is effectively hidden/encapsulated inside the .mqh source file. meaning 'my rule' = no other EA function living in another .mqh file allowed to use - maybe wat call 'private' access rights for eaTradeOps.mqh 'object' functions.

4. like worker functions for my pseudo object, i also put at top of the object any object private data decs. i like Hungarian notation, so i use prefix letter m eg, string msaFnames[];

again same 'my rule' = nothing outside this object can access.

5. i go further by grouping data decs in their logical object file - ok, are EA global scope but NO! i instead use concept of access functions that code outside of object must call to get READ ONLY access to data. think oops like this, i play oops may years ago in C, Pascal and Java but i assembler nerd, so oops not float boat ;)

i also put object specific #define's in each .mqh 'object' - no other EA code use = 'my rule' kicks in agian - lol

So like said in 4, that string [] lives in object eaFiles.mqh, where i have all file workings - i not/never ever like make direct calls to builtins - why? always, always repeat of code when comes to stuff like error handling, retry loops - so i use i/f functions.

in eaFiles.mqh is 'public' i/f function that any can call to get R/O access to array contents. ie, MQL allows 32 file handles active any one time and filehandle happens to be sequentially numbered so can use array to hold filename of opened file with [filehandle]. 'public' i/f formal is int filehandle and it returns string filename for this filehandle.

6. finally i got 2 .mgh files that are seen as 100% EA global or 'public' access: eaDefines.mqh and eaVariables.mqh

u know, like extern's and ONLY a handfull wat would call EA global decs - i HATE globals. but wat gonna do? that why i do my pseudo oops black-box idea... oh well, each to own.

7. oh yes, i got master compile file or header file? with nuffin but #include's in it with the vip #include eaBody<versionxyz>.mqh as last line - it contains init,deinit,start ONLY.

it is this file which i compile to build the EA.

bottom line, I change "eaBody<versionxyz>.mqh" file and try maybe other systems - so basicly all 'other' .mqh files are generic tools available for use by eaBody....mqh

that my 100% aim - all generics which like runtime lib routines in language or OS - hahaaa, they just supposed to work no matter wat throw at them!

so i can go crazy with testing loadsa new ideas and systems and NEVER EVER need worry about IF gonna get error messages printed/logged to EA specific logfile or the 1001 things code 'just happens' to find self doing over and over again... not interested in this gunk - i get work, i forget about it - just use it - best for me anyway ;)


so maybe dumb, but i do wat can to HIDE or "black-box" stuff.

as long as keep sensible i find can find wat looking for - lol

that is where ctrl-shift-F comes in handy!


Best 2 u


btw, is for me respected forum body here, say simple TRUTH which i not remem wd for wd but anyway: MQL4 is wat we got ok? So then, it may not have many if any bells and whistles BUT it has ALL primitives that inventive, creative hacker needs: TO BUILD WHAT HE WANTS using these primitives!


i always remember this - was wakey wakey call for me cuz i was goin nuts all time and just crazy with anger bout mql4.

i think his words was a challenge TO ME to get of butt and 'get hacking'... so my personal pseudo/crappy oops junk...

works for me - most times :o)