What should I read?


I am interested in understanding MQL4 and programming more on a whole. However, the language used in this site is frequently more technical that I would hope for. Does anyone have any links to good websites that slowly introduce code writing for beginners? Any input would help.



I am interested in understanding MQL4 and programming more on a whole. However, the language used in this site is frequently more technical that I would hope for. Does anyone have any links to good websites that slowly introduce code writing for beginners? Any input would help.


i didn't know MQL, and i started with this 'Expert Advisor Sample'

It seems hard at first, but you have to keep reading and reading and reading, it will make sense....

I have read that and it makes sense to some degree. However, language such as bool and extern double are very vaguely defined. I was hoping there would be a source that puts language like this into layman's terms.

Trouble is, programming has own concepts and terminologies. Like any tech subj.

below are links for u maybe be of help ;)

MQL4 much same as C syntax - but simpler :)

But sound as if u need general high level syntax concepts and you gotta just read, read... u come up for air, then read more - and is always MQL4 book

This site has a tutorial to teach someone who has never programmed before, the basics of C Programming.

The Power of Logic is a web tutorial for C.

This tutorial is designed for everyone: even if you've never programmed before...

Learn C Programming, A short C Tutorial

Welcome to the home page for the Northampton College 2002-3 course for C Programming for Beginners.

C Tutorials

I have read that and it makes sense to some degree. However, language such as bool and extern double are very vaguely defined. I was hoping there would be a source that puts language like this into layman's terms.

all you have to do is ask here...

Bool is a condition, in the programming language, true or false. EASY?

Extern double, this is used when you apply an EA to the chart, you can modify a number without modifying the code. The EXTERN is what allows a number to be modified outside of code. DOUBLE is also simple, it is basically a holding block for numbers that have decimal places (0.001 or 8.97) anything with a decimal place is a DOUBLE.

If you had EXTERN INT, then it would be same, only no decimal place.

These variables are used to modify things like stoploss, takeprofit, trailingstop, and also, if you want to turn off certain functions, you use BOOL, which basically is like a switch, true is for on, and false is for off.

Keep studying that sample, and ask questions here!!