forming of Forex group


Hi fellow traders and programmers,

recently I have been evolving the idea of creating a Forex team. Finally, concrete plans have formed and I managed to fit this idea into my schedule.

What I am imagining is the following: We form a group of 4-5 people including both programmers and traders.

In order to achieve the best results, I think the team should consist of at least two traders who have been successfully trading for at least a year and who are not short of profitable trading strategies and willing to expose some of them to the group.

On the other hand, two or three highly skilled MQL4 programmers join the team for prompt implementation of the trading concepts and marketing technology.

The ultimate goals are diverse: With profitable trading systems we can participate in competitions, provide licenses to trading signals or start a asset management company.

These are just some opportunities which apply to mechanical, semi-mechanical or discretionary trading systems.

I for my part can provide outstanding MQL4 skills and knowledge/technology about signaling services. Also, I am in a partnership with an FX broker.

So I'd count me to the programmer part, although I'm quite familiar with FX trading and trading strategies.

The requirements for you are qualifications in either of the two topics described above, the motivation to spend some of your free time on a project like this, acceptable English skills and a good team spirit.

If you're interested in this opportunity, please let me know some of your background making you the right person for our Forex group. eMail: tradeigel-AT-gmail-DOT-com.
Of course, do not hesitate to post comments, ask questions in the thread or via eMail.



What would be better is not to limit your group size, here you will find many professional MQL4 programmers, with great track records. You might cut out someone who could be your key. In general i would like to join this group to network with other traders/programmers and see where this route could endup. It would be ideal to setup a few very good traders, that are not afraid of sharing ideas, and a number of programmers that would develop the trading systems.
What would be better is not to limit your group size, here you will find many professional MQL4 programmers, with great track records. You might cut out someone who could be your key. In general i would like to join this group to network with other traders/programmers and see where this route could endup. It would be ideal to setup a few very good traders, that are not afraid of sharing ideas, and a number of programmers that would develop the trading systems.

actually I think the group is too large, if you get two traders in a room you are going to get two opinions on a strategy, then who decides which strategy to go with. and from personal experience (as a programmer) I know you don't really need more than one developer because if they are any good there's nothing they can't do.

I suspect what you really need is a bunch of traders coming up with ideas and a bunch of developers willing to implement them, and everyone taking a piece of the pie. and a project manager to oversee the lot. trader sends idea to programmer, programmer writes and sends to developer to test, etc etc etc.

of course joining trading systems together would be a different kettle of fish, e.g. it would be more efficient to only join compatible systems together, so there would be some subjective stuff there.

TradeiGel, how many traders have made contact and are ready for this group? I agree with densial in the previous comment, it is all about the traders passing off info to the developers... I had a similar idea of forming a group or a corporation which would have many traders and many developers, i think this is a good starting point to gather information on who would be interested. Primarily we need those traders, i think we have a load of developers, who don't see limits to trading systems.

Thanks for your comment.

From my experience, a group size larger than this is not reasonable at all.

If you think it is, please consider starting your own thread for this idea since this just confuses people visitig this thread.

Actually, it was not meant to discuss the basic conditions like group size in this thread, let's rather start the group as suggested. There are reasons from my experience choosing the conditions descibed above.



TradeiGel, how many traders have made contact and are ready for this group? I agree with densial in the previous comment, it is all about the traders passing off info to the developers... I had a similar idea of forming a group or a corporation which would have many traders and many developers, i think this is a good starting point to gather information on who would be interested. Primarily we need those traders, i think we have a load of developers, who don't see limits to trading systems.

actually, I have had a think about it over the weekend and have come to the conclusion that the programmers almost don't need the traders, and this is why.

I recently went to a seminar where a trader was trying to sell me his trading method. $1500 for a weekend course, which after some demonstrations during the seminar turned out to be based on fibonacci expansions. So some of my immediate questions are 1) why is he selling it if it's so good rather than just going and making a tonne of cash and 2) it's nothing I don't already know, or at the very least nothing I can't find out about.

The second thing I did this weekend was to take a web site which explained (and advised on) some basic trading strategies (you know the ones I mean, pivot points, MACD, MA, etc etc etc) and started turning the them into one big EA. As per usual it ran with a general gain in back-testing for the year. So in this case my immediate thought is that I can find basic trading strategies on the net, google is my friend.

So from this I theorize the following..

1) Traders are good at trading. They know all the rules, can read quicker than the rest of us, and often have a "gut feeling" for how a market may go. But an EA will never be able to simulate this "gut feeling" so technically as soon as I know a traders rules I have all I need from them. Add to this that many traders use similar techniques (indicators etc) and as soon as you have one traders strategy you have most traders strategies.

2) an EA can back-test a strategy way quicker than a human can, no matter how good they are, so in creating an EA a programmer is more valuable than trader in creating an EA

and from that I theorize the following...

If you are a good programmer you don't need to find someone here to tell you what strategy to use, you can find strategies all over the net. If someone writes up a strategy on the net and publishes it to the world that's almost the same as someone writing up a strategy in word and sending it to you (as a programmer) to create.

As a programmer I have created a a few EA's that back-test with profit, and I've only been doing it since July. And while I would not trust any of my EA's with my hard earned moolah at the moment, I'm pretty confident that given more time and some more reading I will be able to create one that I do trust on a live account.

Upshot is, for all you MQL programmers out there, I think you have all you need. I think that if it can be done, you can do it, and you don't need to partner up with anyone.

tradeigel wrote >>

Hi fellow traders and programmers,

recently I have been evolving the idea of creating a Forex team. Finally, concrete plans have formed and I managed to fit this idea into my schedule.

What I am imagining is the following: We form a group of 4-5 people including both programmers and traders.

In order to achieve the best results, I think the team should consist of at least two traders who have been successfully trading for at least a year and who are not short of profitable trading strategies and willing to expose some of them to the group.

On the other hand, two or three highly skilled MQL4 programmers join the team for prompt implementation of the trading concepts and marketing technology.

The ultimate goals are diverse: With profitable trading systems we can participate in competitions, provide licenses to trading signals or start a asset management company.

These are just some opportunities which apply to mechanical, semi-mechanical or discretionary trading systems.

I for my part can provide outstanding MQL4 skills and knowledge/technology about signaling services. Also, I am in a partnership with an FX broker.

So I'd count me to the programmer part, although I'm quite familiar with FX trading and trading strategies.

The requirements for you are qualifications in either of the two topics described above, the motivation to spend some of your free time on a project like this, acceptable English skills and a good team spirit.

If you're interested in this opportunity, please let me know some of your background making you the right person for our Forex group. eMail: tradeigel-AT-gmail-DOT-com.
Of course, do not hesitate to post comments, ask questions in the thread or via eMail.




I would be interested in joining your group. I am not a programmer and am new to FX. If that disqualifies me so be it. However, if you are considering expanding the group to a new trader, like me than I would like to be considered.


desanto wrote >>


I would be interested in joining your group. I am not a programmer and am new to FX. If that disqualifies me so be it. However, if you are considering expanding the group to a new trader, like me than I would like to be considered.


i am interested to join your group i am trader 1 year plus programmer MQL and java,.......

please let me know ......