A new vversion of autocash robot is avaliable..please install at earliest opportunity?


A new vversion of autocash robot is avaliable..please install at earliest opportunity?


wont let me open a trade yet because this stupid message keeps coming up?

give me a break....thouhjt it was all automatic..so much for there 90 second install..been 36 hours and nothing..


georgiosnicola wrote >>

A new vversion of autocash robot is avaliable..please install at earliest opportunity?


wont let me open a trade yet because this stupid message keeps coming up?

give me a break....thouhjt it was all automatic..so much for there 90 second install..been 36 hours and nothing..


HAAAAAAA I certainly am not laughing.....that's about the only error message I haven't got and sorry to hear you have been waiting 36 HOURS!!! I thought mine was bad..been sitting at this computer for12 hours. I reckon we're not the only ones more thn a bit p..... off. Good luck...maybe the smiley face robot will magically install overnight?


u get email? here is bit u need:

1.stop MT

2.goto link below and login -> clink "Downloads" link near top page

3.goto page end and lines befor "Note:" it say "Click here to download it."

4.so click word "here" to download

5.run the .exe and point it to top level install dir of your MetaTrader installation and let it run. It say overwrite? for both .ex4 and .dll - say yes

6.restart Terminal - 4 me, facr just start up again (the new, just installed version)

i no like this anymore anyone else around world

BUT... Vista not everbodies friend is it? so just usual teething thing - not end world ;)

go wit flow u all - is no good or u no like -> u go clickbank -> u get refund


btw, i hear/read that one trade per day is most can expect - oh yes, c in FAQ - it get updated lots.


How often does the Forex AutoCash Robot trade?
It;s designed to trade once per day but, it doesn't always close a trade the same day. The robot will wait until the trade hits either the profit objective or the stop loss. That's part of why it's so accurate.

"Finally, a number of people have experienced issues with MetaTrader crashing.  
The problem appears to be more noticable on Vista systems but, having kept my development team working through the night, 
I think we have found a way to eliminate the issue.  

Please log into the member area (http://forexautocashrobot.net/login.php) and download the BASIC installation program which 
you'll find near the bottom of the download page with the video showing how to use it.  
It's important that MetaTrader is not running while you're installing this update."
fbj wrote >>

u get email? here is bit u need:

1.stop MT

2.goto link below and login -> clink "Downloads" link near top page

3.goto page end and lines befor "Note:" it say "Click here to download it."

4.so click word "here" to download

5.run the .exe and point it to top level install dir of your MetaTrader installation and let it run. It say overwrite? for both .ex4 and .dll - say yes

6.restart Terminal - 4 me, facr just start up again (the new, just installed version)

i no like this anymore anyone else around world

BUT... Vista not everbodies friend is it? so just usual teething thing - not end world ;)

go wit flow u all - is no good or u no like -> u go clickbank -> u get refund


btw, i hear/read that one trade per day is most can expect - oh yes, c in FAQ - it get updated lots.

I managed to get mine up and running. It took a trade yesterday. Long Eur/Usd at 1.4094. It lost. The built in stop was 650 pips (which I changed to 200 seeing how the profit target was only 7 pips...still a ridiculous r:r ratio...i know). 9 Years without a loss...riiiiiiight


i not understand yet wat mean risklevel % if use positive # in relation to SL

tbh, i would code so that

1. if positive risklevel 'percentage' - coded trailing SL would close trade if say price 'wrong way' +2.0% from open price

2. if negative risklevel 'fixed lots' - coded trailing SL used OR OrderSend() give builtin SL as parameter; would close trade if price hits built in stop - so if SL big then u gona suffer - that why i think 650 default but use positive # is wat they mean which enable coded trailing SL (which i would code to use OrderModify() as profit made)... maybe?;-)

iow, would not built in stop be 'ignored' if positive risklevel used???

think many questions need answers - dust settle, surely they get answered - if not.. ok, i get refund.

i work own multisymbol multiperiod ea framework to test ideas..... one day wen it make income i become helper of peoples in need - that why i buyinto facr cuz maybe it work like say and i get help peoples quicker than my ea work which may work but is not easy short path - lol



i not understand yet wat mean risklevel % if use positive # in relation to SL

tbh, i would code so that

1. if positive risklevel 'percentage' - coded trailing SL would close trade if say price 'wrong way' +2.0% from open price

2. if negative risklevel 'fixed lots' - coded trailing SL used OR OrderSend() give builtin SL as parameter; would close trade if price hits built in stop - so if SL big then u gona suffer - that why i think 650 default but use positive # is wat they mean which enable coded trailing SL (which i would code to use OrderModify() as profit made)... maybe?;-)

iow, would not built in stop be 'ignored' if positive risklevel used???

think many questions need answers - dust settle, surely they get answered - if not.. ok, i get refund.

i work own multisymbol multiperiod ea framework to test ideas..... one day wen it make income i become helper of peoples in need - that why i buyinto facr cuz maybe it work like say and i get help peoples quicker than my ea work which may work but is not easy short path - lol


They mean if you enter a positive number it is then considered a risk % of your total account balance, but if you put in a negative number it is considered a "fixed" and not percentage and will be considered a fixed amount of pips. As said in their PDF manual:

"For example, if you set the "risk level" to -1 it means that the robot will trade one full lot per trade ($10 per pip). If you set it to -0.1 it means that the robot will trade one mini lot per trade ($1 per pip). If you set it to -0.01 than the robot will trade one micro lot per trade ($0.10 per pip)."

By the way. To anyone who is thinking about buying this silly little toy. DO NOT. It is as bad as forex auto pilot if not worse ;-) My draw down is already 60% of my total test account. As best said by cyclone35 above: "9 years with a loss... riiiiggght"....

hanni wrote >>

HAAAAAAA I certainly am not laughing.....that's about the only error message I haven't got and sorry to hear you have been waiting 36 HOURS!!! I thought mine was bad..been sitting at this computer for12 hours. I reckon we're not the only ones more thn a bit p..... off. Good luck...maybe the smiley face robot will magically install overnight?

I have purchased the forex autocash robot. they say all I have to do is give my authenic code. if that is the case let me know. thanks in advance. joe.