Send Error 0


Can anyone tell me why Send Error 0 is sometimes produced? The Error Codes section of Help indicate it means no error, so why does it show up?



Show up where?
Show up where?

It shows up in the Experts log.


just ideas

why not look trade pool for order u think u send?

sendorder gives back tic# or -1 if error - wat u get?

last error gives 0 and no error is meaning - not this good?

u look in trade tab?

maybe use print to see wat sending,recving?

just ideas

smoginator wrote >>

Can anyone tell me why Send Error 0 is sometimes produced? The Error Codes section of Help indicate it means no error, so why does it show up?



One usual cause is where you OrderModify (for example to move a trailing stop) but actually send unchanged values




One usual cause is where you OrderModify (for example to move a trailing stop) but actually send unchanged values



That is good to know but in this case it is an entry order, not a modify. Eventually, the order goes through. What I don't understand is why is an error generated when the error number means no error? If there was no error, what is up with an error returning?


i find in editor help-

If unchanged values are passed as the function parameters, the error 1 (ERR_NO_RESULT) will be generated.

"Can anyone tell me why Send Error 0 is sometimes produced?"

oh me... why not i look hard at execution errors for error 0

it says "Trade operation succeeded."

my fault, not make good first post - not think nuff :(

yes... word 'error' in this time not mean 'error' but 'success' :)