HELP! how to plot a derived cross


How do you plot (possibly with a candle plot) the difference of two crosses, for example




Thank you for your answer.

I have another question.

I need to determine the open, close, low, high of the quantity


the problem is that for the open and the close there is no problem, but how can you find the low and the high for EUR/USD - GBP/EUR ?

In other words given the candle for EUR/USD and the candle for GBP/EUR how do you find the low and the high for EUR/USD - GBP/EUR ?

Thy reach low an high at different times

marcb wrote >>

Thank you for your answer.

I have another question.

I need to determine the open, close, low, high of the quantity


the problem is that for the open and the close there is no problem, but how can you find the low and the high for EUR/USD - GBP/EUR ?

In other words given the candle for EUR/USD and the candle for GBP/EUR how do you find the low and the high for EUR/USD - GBP/EUR ?

Thy reach low an high at different times

May be I did not expalin very well... I try again

it is necessary to think that you have two variables



now what we are trying to build is the function

Z(t)=X(t)-Y(t) for any time instant t

what we have is a candle each tick for both X and Y, how can you determine the Low for Z() in that tick?

The problem is that X and Y reach Low and High at different times within that tick hance just taking the difference of Low and high of X and Y is not correct