How to remove dynamic objects from indicator



my indicator has some new xobject.

When the indicator is detached, i get memory leaks as there is no onDeinit method.

How to catch the detach event ? 

Thank you 



my indicator has some new xobject.

When the indicator is detached, i get memory leaks as there is no onDeinit method.

How to catch the detach event ? 

Thank you 

Why? There should be an OnDeinit() call on indicator detachment.


my indicator has some new xobject.

When the indicator is detached, i get memory leaks as there is no onDeinit method.

How to catch the detach event ? 

Thank you 

You should add OnDeinit manually by hand, I don't know why its not there anymore when creating CI.

//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- indicator deinitialization

Then create some codes to delete your object


You should add OnDeinit manually by hand, I don't know why its not there anymore when creating CI.

Then create some codes to delete your object

You should report this as a bug to Service Desk.
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thank you for answers,

void OnDeinit(const int reason)

 is called on chart detach, so it solved my problem.