Automated Trading Championship 2008: Interview with Thomas Bopp


On the website of the Automated Trading Championship 2008, an Interview with Thomas Bopp has been published. For the last year, Thomas became a guest on a special TRADERS' TV and even started hosting his own shows. Now he spends most of his time on analytical work and thinks that:

Option zones show you sometimes more than technical analysis, because you can see the important areas where the big money defends or hedges its open positions. This is not available in existing software products. It is all made manually. For example, my studies have shown that the extreme points are always around the option expiry. If you just look at the euro, the major turning points are often on the last three days around the options expiry day.

The interview was published on the website of Automated Trading Championship 2008 in the News section.

Sponsors of the Automated Trading Championship 2008 are FXCM (Forex Capital Markets LLC), Interbank FX LLC (IBFX), FXDD and the TRADERS’ magazine. The organizer of the Championship is MetaQuotes Software Corp.