Daily Range Indicator

Can anyone help?

The attached Daily Range Indicator is flawed in the sense that it calculates the average daily range but uses Sundays data as 1 day which results in an average that is incorrect.

I need someone to change the code to address this problem by treating Friday and Sunday's data as one day. Can this be done by anyone?

I would appreciate it if someone were able to program this for me.

Many thanks 

anthonywood wrote >>
Can anyone help?
The attached Daily Range Indicator is flawed in the sense that it calculates the average daily range but uses Sundays data as 1 day which results in an average that is incorrect.
I need someone to change the code to address this problem by treating Friday and Sunday's data as one day. Can this be done by anyone?
I would appreciate it if someone were able to program this for me.
Many thanks

Have you found a solution?

I am looking for an indicator that gives the past 7 trading days average daily range. Can you help?


H. Y.

anthonywood wrote >>
Can anyone help?
The attached Daily Range Indicator is flawed in the sense that it calculates the average daily range but uses Sundays data as 1 day which results in an average that is incorrect.
I need someone to change the code to address this problem by treating Friday and Sunday's data as one day. Can this be done by anyone?
I would appreciate it if someone were able to program this for me.
Many thanks

Sorry, may be too late... but this is a suggestion and sorry for my very bad English.

extern bool IncludeSunday = false; //---- indicator parameter


int DaysToSunday[7] = { 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }; // days to Sunday ( from today = DayOfWeek() )

/* How do to skip the Sunday?

If you are on Sunday (DayOfWeek=0) or Saturday (DayOfWeek=6) the index bar = 1 belong to Friday, 2 to thersday, etc.

then, you must count from 1 to 5, skip the 6 (Sunday), from 7 to 11, skip 12 (Sunday too), from 13 to 17, skip 18, etc.

If you are on Monday you must skip the 1, count from 2 to 6, skip 7, ...etc.

If you are on Friday you must count from 1 to 4, skip 5, 11, 17... and so on. */

// and then:

int IsSunday = DaysToSunday[DayOfWeek()]; // bar index of the more close Sunday, to skip if IncludeSunday = False.

bool IsYesterday = true;

int nDays = 0 ; int iH_iL ;

for(i=1;i<=Third_av;i++) // Max. Average Period



if (!IncludeSunday)


if (i==IsSunday)


i++; // Skip Sunday

IsSunday += 6; // Index of next Sunday (Saturday has not data)



iH_iL = NormalizeDouble( (iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_D1,i)-iLow(NULL,PERIOD_D1,i))/Point, 0 ) ;

if (nDays==1) // only first time is yesterday


R1 = iH_iL ; // Yesterday daily Range in points


if(nDays<=First_av) R5 = R5 + iH_iL ; // Daily Range last First_av days, in points

if(nDays<=Second_av) R10 = R10 + iH_iL ; // Daily Range last Second_av days, in points

if(nDays<=Third_av) R20 = R20 + iH_iL ; // Daily Range last Third_av days, in points


//...... etc. ....................

