FTP : read answer error



I'm trying to use the FTP function with metatrader but when I try to test it in the Publisher page, the platform cannot connect and return me following errors :

23:09:41 Publisher: starting
23:09:42 FTP: read answer error
23:09:42 FTP: login failed -
23:09:42 Publisher: error connecting to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

It's really strange this kind of error even because I'm able to connect to my ftp account through FileZilla ftp client without any kind of problem.

Am I missing something ? Any idea on how to solve this issue?

Thank You



"Any idea on how to solve this issue?"

Not from the description...

Makes sure your FTP account is plain... no SSL or other enhancements.

Put a sniffer on the connection and see what happens as the FTP protocol is executed.


"Any idea on how to solve this issue?"

Not from the description...

Makes sure your FTP account is plain... no SSL or other enhancements.

Put a sniffer on the connection and see what happens as the FTP protocol is executed.

Hi Phy,

thank you for your reply.

I double checked and ftp account is set as normal without any SSL protocol or other 'strange' settings. Moreover using Filezilla ftp client I'm able to connect to the ftp account without any kind of problem, so I'm start to think that there's something wrong in the metatrader platform that prevent to connect to the ftp server but I'm not able to recognize where the problem is :(




I did some other tests, I configured an Filezilla FTP server in my local pc with windows vista using ip address and metatrader is connecting correctly and trasfer went fine.

So the problem most probably is on ftp server used on my web site that is ProFTPD 1.3.1 Server (a linux software).

Has anyone experienced some difficult to connect metatrader with this FTP server type ? 

Thank you 




FTP is "plain text" protocol for commands,

Capture the working packets, and compare to the failure packets.

www.wireshark.org will give you a good tool for that.

phy wrote >>

FTP is "plain text" protocol for commands,

Capture the working packets, and compare to the failure packets.

www.wireshark.org will give you a good tool for that.

I was getting the same error but now I am getting an FTP: STOR error. Don't know what the heck that is. I also am able to ftp to my website using other software no problem. Any suggestions?