Expert Advisor suddenly removed from chart


Hi All,

I run an Expert Advisor on my live account and it will suddenly be removed from the chart. This happens only in my live account.

There appears an error message in the log file namely "uninit reason 1" which seems very suspect.

Does anyone know what the cause is of the removal of my EA and how can I solve this?

Any help will be appreciated very much.

Thanks Guy's.



Uninitialize reason codes returned by UninitializeReason() function. It can be any one of the following values:

Constant Value Description
0 Script finished its execution independently.
REASON_REMOVE 1 Expert removed from chart.
REASON_RECOMPILE 2 Expert recompiled.
REASON_CHARTCHANGE 3 symbol or timeframe changed on the chart.
REASON_PARAMETERS 5 Inputs parameters was changed by user.
REASON_ACCOUNT 6 Other account activated.

reason 1 from above chart shows "Expert removed from chart."

not much help probably, but maybe you doing something? or are more log messages - maybe something you do, cause EA to decide to stop and...?

oh well, I run out of steam here!


guess I am saying that (for my limited knowledge base perspective) need more background, info, data... to offer better help, perhaps more 'knowing' will respond?