How to find total number of symbols traded


How to find total number of symbols traded.

eg. I am trading buy and sell GBPUSD, EURUSD, EURJPY and USDJPY

and I want this to return total of 4 pairs traded. Anyone know?

at least from reading your post once, I have no idea what you mean, sorry. Please elaborate.
From the orderstotal, I only want to extract 4 pairs from the example above. It should only count the number of pairs only.

maybe this (or your mods make it 'this') - gives u launch point anyway...

edit.1: silly me! forgot check if trade or pending... hey! great mistake - maybe u can put in the 1 extra line or maybe 2 ;), in .... the function ;)

hint: OrderType()

good luck...

//|                                                         ejoi.mq4 |
//|                                                              ukt |
//|                             |
#property copyright "publicDomain"
#property link      ""

//  program global declarations
string saSymbols[] = {"GBPUSD","EURUSD","EURJPY","USDJPY"};        //can add or remove entries...

int start ()
{ /******

        Life, the universe and all that - get's sorted out here ;)



int iGetOrderTotal (string& saSymbols[])
{ /***************

        Given list of symbol pairs, we look in trading pool for 'active/at market' order entries
        that have same symbol pair as one in given input list - this is a 'hit'.
        Count all 'hits' and return count to caller as function value
    int iOrderCount = OrdersTotal();
    int iOrderTotal = 0;
    int iSyms2Test = ArraySize(saSymbols);
    string sSym;

    for(int iPos=0;iPos<iOrderCount;iPos++)
        if(!OrderSelect(iPos,SELECT_BY_POS)) continue;
        //ok, here we have mapped trading pool entry of type: open/pending
        //let us see: IF entry has one of our symbol pairs THEN increment "total number of symbols traded"
        sSym = OrderSymbol();
        for(int i=0;i<iSyms2Test;i++)                    //scan each sym list entry looking for match
            if(sSym==saSymbols[i]) iOrderTotal++;        //found! so bump counter


/* quicky test results.........

2008.06.11 12:39:44    ejoi EURUSD,M15: removed
2008.06.11 12:39:44    ejoi EURUSD,M15: uninit reason 0
2008.06.11 12:39:44    ejoi EURUSD,M15: iOrderTotal=3
2008.06.11 12:39:44    ejoi EURUSD,M15: loaded successfully


quicky test: trade orders tab on terminal