forex MT4 newbie

Hi dear!im am a forex newbie and ill like all other users to help me by answering some of my questions.i need to know the MINIMUM AMOUNT/DEPOSIT i can use to trade using the MT4 platform.(example $50,$100 etc jus let me know the minimum).

It depend of the broker - there are some mini and micro accounts, but you have to make some research.

Usual mini account starts from $100, micro has no lower limit - the higher limit is about $50 - but in this case $50 is equal to $50,000 in normal account - they are just for cheap testing of the real strategies.


im am really glad u took d time out to reply me....anyway can i just download the mt4 client and start using it to trade directly!if do i fund my mt4 trade account and also do u know thw best forex sms alert service providers?


"...anyway can i just download the mt4 client and start using it to trade directly!if do i fund my mt4 trade account..."

Your questions must be answered by the broker you choose. You can only demo trade directly - most if not all brokers allow demo MT accounts.

Funding is by you talking to broker who you decide gets your money!

For instance, Alpari is (in the process) of allowing credit card funding.

do a google on: "forex sms alert service providers" I got 298 hits.

best is up to you to ask on many forums - get a feel for what best is for your method of working and maybe how much willing to pay for service, etc...


guddsid wrote >>
Hi dear!im am a forex newbie and ill like all other users to help me by answering some of my questions.i need to know the MINIMUM AMOUNT/DEPOSIT i can use to trade using the MT4 platform.(example $50,$100 etc jus let me know the minimum).

Here is one of the brokers who advertise that thay have no minimum limit:
