MetaTrader is Free?



This is my first post and I want to thank you very much for creating MetaTrader and making it available for free!(?)

I have a couple of questions that I will post as separate threads but I have a couple of questions that fit in this thread.

1. Why is MT free?

2. How long will it be free?

3. What are the chances that, one day in the future, creators of MT will change and charge money for MT?

I ask these questions because I am considering creating my own software and will just use MT instead based on the answers to those questions. I don’t want to spend months creating software for MT (indicators, EAs, etc.) if in the future MT will cost lots of money.

I look forward to the answers and to becoming a useful member of this community.


You make some mistakes.

The company developed MT is only a software company, which only sell software using (using right ! ) to othe companies.

those companies supply trade service, and let them's clients use MT software free.

So, in fact, traders have no any relations with MT's company. what traders use is defined by which company they open trade acount at.


You make some mistakes.

The company developed MT is only a software company, which only sell software using (using right ! ) to othe companies.

those companies supply trade service, and let them's clients use MT software free.

So, in fact, traders have no any relations with MT's company. what traders use is defined by which company they open trade acount at.

Okay I think I get it. MT sells the software to the trading companies and that is how they make their money. But the MT software company still owns the copyrights to the software. Which means they can stop us from using it at anytime in the future and charge money for it. Is this correct?



Is it not the case that [apparently] there are about 100 brokers using MT platform and crucially, is how they make bulk of their money ?

They have clients [you and me etc.] who use their 'platform' to enable them to electronically trade.

The platform could infact be couple tin cans with string between... lol

(hahaaa, can see it now: MQ tells broker that since the 'supplied' tin cans are made of superior base metals, the broker gotta start charging clients for the connecting string! :o)

oh well, is Sunday morning and as such not yet worn down by days events...

Do you believe in above scenario that the brokers are gonna charge their clients to use their platform?

They would be crazy, have few clients.... and - be broke.

The more clients they have, the more money broker makes viz: spreads, yes?

MT platform is a cash machine for brokers - just WHY would they wanna stiff the client???

Just not logical... even if MQ wants more money based on client base - broker is onto good cash cow, they just absorb fees OR more likely tell MQ to shove it and use another of the many platforms out there.

Friend, thinking worldwide here, the number of MT users must be absolutely MASSIVE. I not think MQ wants to queer their patch by imposing punitive charges on anybody!

There are mql users that have MANY YEARS invested in this platform, ok?

go on! get coding - have some fun and maybe you make income...



Dear ukt,

Haha! Very good! You've put this into perspective and with a little humor which spiced up my Sunday coffee. Thanks!

Yes, what you say makes logical sense. I'm going to take the jump and get coding. Maybe I’ll wait for MQL5 before I get "hard core"...?

To get started I have a couple of questions but I will ask in new thread. Thanks again for your explanations.



As I know, now using fee of MT system ( all include server software) for one year for trading companies is about $100,000 to $200,000

in most time, the most important is not how to programming, but how to sell your products......


Hey EB - great news. According to Mql5 team, '4' will work just fine - with just few exceptions - if not already done, can view mql5 'language' thread on

Hard core? Am sure you will find current tools allow you to do 'your thing' without having to wait for who knows how long...

Please do consider making the mql4 book and site search facility - your constant guide and mentor as massive amounts of info on site - not forgetting the Print() funtion to log all those goodies you wanna test out fast. Testharness coding is great way to 'see' what's up doc? and in a timely manner too! Forum ok but always gonna be delays... and the thrill of learning by one's own works is much more satisfying imho.
