How to code multiple alerts?



I want to have multiple sound alerts on a certain condition. I try to, but it seems failed.

Here is the code :

if(condition_is_meet() and once_a_candle())
    Alert("Arrow down");
    for(int s=Repetition-2;s>=0;s--)

I set the loop from "Repetition minus 2" because the first sound is "Alert("Arrow Down");"

Any suggestion is very appreciate. Thank you



Is there anybody could assist me?

Try Sleep(1000) or maybe even 2000. 10 is way too short a time.

Hi Jtr,

Thanks for your respond. I was using 1000, but it's not working, I thought it's too long so I make it shorter.

Any other suggestion maybe?

I tested your code with 1000 and the repeating sound works. Check that your if conditions are allowing the code to run. Also remember a tick has to occur for the script to be run.


Thanks, I'll check it out again.