PNN example



I am looking for a mql4 example of a Probability Neural Network.

Ive red about it and seen the algorithms but I don't understand them because I am only a programmer.

If I see a code example then I might understand it.

Thanks in advance


Nobody know?

600+ hits, must be something there which gives you background and possibly source code too.

IF programmer THEN not need MQL4; need knowledge

btw -

because I am only a programmer

the word only is faulty

please practice having more respect for programmer's and their skills, ok?

(and by inference... yourself :o)))

enjoy the journey!


Hey thanks very much for your response.

What I really meant to say was I'm only a programmer and not a mathematician. I sometimes understand code more than I understand the english language. But thanks for your response I will look at the links.


Well, not much hard core info in response but may get lucky in your searches!

Yeah, know exactly where coming from - I got into 'computers' because they "were magic" and woke up 40yrs later still in love - lol

I am not v.bright bout maths - just keep reading all these techie articles to keep remainng brain cells active - not actually understand much - but... something always rubs off when read so I just keep doing it and funnily enough, the lines between the dots actually get drawn sometimes too!

Ummm, IF you make some sense of PNN or ANN etc, I for one would love to hear from you about this area. Surely, all this desktop cpu power can be more fully harnessed by implementing these methodologies...

Hope to hear from you

Take Care


I'm addicted to this, its my life ;)

I have been looking at this Perceptron and its not too bad but not wonderful. But dunno if this is a probability Neural Network?

double perceptron() 
   double w1 = x1 - 100;
   double w2 = x2 - 100;
   double w3 = x3 - 100;
   double w4 = x4 - 100;
   double a1 = iAC(Symbol(), 0, 0);
   double a2 = iAC(Symbol(), 0, 7);
   double a3 = iAC(Symbol(), 0, 14);
   double a4 = iAC(Symbol(), 0, 21);
   return(w1 * a1 + w2 * a2 + w3 * a3 + w4 * a4);

wow... must be hard to keyin if got the shakes... lol

I have been looking at this Perceptron and its not too bad but not wonderful. But dunno if this is a probability Neural Network?

Perceptrons: An Associative Learning Network

getting warmer? only 59 hits: Neural Network mt4 perceptron

am off to read about Perceptron and NN's now...


Check this one out:

They have free neural network software and tutorials to integrate with mq4


bonechair wrote:

Check this one out:

They have free neural network software and tutorials to integrate with mq4

Looks interesting - always great to be exposed to other's viewpoints!

and I thought was gonna be just a mql hacking weekend... ;)

Better get reading glasses on.

Cheers L

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bonechair wrote >>


I am looking for a mql4 example of a Probability Neural Network.

Ive red about it and seen the algorithms but I don't understand them because I am only a programmer.

If I see a code example then I might understand it.

Thanks in advance


Just look for "pnn mql4" on google, and there is an article explaining how to implement a PNN in MQL4, how to train it, and how to trade using it. I don't know if I can post the link on the forum.


over 2000 hits

is this one u mean? pnn

easy can put links in post - click chain - is left of dropdown list