Frequently Asked Questions about the Signals service - page 3


My subscription of 1 week ends tomorrow.

There are a few orders open, they are in drawdown.

I want to subscribe for another week to the signal.

How do I avoid that the open positions in drawdown will be closed by the system ?

The signal provider often has floating drawdown on 1 to 3 open orders for a few days,

but he manages them well and most them end up in profit and he closes them in profit. Only seldom he closes

positions in a loss.

If the end of my 1-week subscription will cause the automatic closure of these open orders, all the profits accumulated

on my account would be wiped out (at least most of the profit).

Is there a feature like "automatic continuation " of a subscription ?

I don't see any information about that on the site, you have to write to ServiceDesk. And report the answer here would be great.
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Get in touch with developers using Service Desk!
We therefore attach great importance to all user reports about issues in our programs and try to answer each one of them.
I don't see any information about that on the site, you have to write to ServiceDesk. And report the answer here would be great.

I just wrote to Service Desk and hope they will answer soon.

I will report the answer here.


Well, the Service Desk doesn´t answer.

I have been searching everywhere I could and these are my assumptions:

1. When subscription ends, the open positions (in floating loss or profit, doesn´t matter) will not be touched.

I have to handle them manually.

2. When I renew the subscription manually ( there is no other way, automatic renewal feature is not available ),

the rules of initial synchronization apply. ( signal provider orders will only be copied into my account if they are in floating loss ).

Here is what I hope will  happen to the already open orders in my account which have been copied from same signal provider in the old subscription period:

The synchronization routine will detect these orders by some unique identifier.

For each detected order, nothing will happen, the signal provider will have full control over these orders within the new subscription period.

For now I depend on the hope that my assumptions are true.

If not, I will have big losses.

I will report what happened tomorrow ( subscription ends around noon here GMT+1 time-zone ).

An idea but not tested, and that doesn't help for your current subscription : As you subscribe for a week, subscribe to signal on weekd-end, then it will end on week-end too and you have time to subscribe again without losses. What do you think ?
An idea but not tested, and that doesn't help for your current subscription : As you subscribe for a week, subscribe to signal on weekd-end, then it will end on week-end too and you have time to subscribe again without losses. What do you think ?

I think it will not be different.

If there are open orders which are in floating profit, the initial synchronization will be blocked, it is executed only for floating loss.

If there are open orders in floating loss, the system will (hopefully) not open additional orders but recognize the existing orders and do nothing but manage them according to what the signal provider does.

Regardless when the old subscription ends, I can decide when I will start the new subscription.

If I start it before the old subscription expires, I think the old one will be canceled (there cannot be 2 subscriptions for 1 account ) , but the open orders will not be touched.

Since the Service Desk doesn´t answer, I really have to think about what I will do. The closure of the open positions would cost me more than 40% of my balance , calculated with actual market prices,

but things can change until tomorrow noon.


hello friend, your I can not I create a sign and promotes it in and even subscribe to have another sign for copy operations.

If I open my own server signals to investors, I can cancel after?

I don't see any information about that on the site, you have to write to ServiceDesk. And report the answer here would be great.

The main problem with ServiceDesk:

They don´t answer.

I already have 3 open tickets, the first one is unanswered since 3 weeks.

Another problem:

The signal-copy software calculates a wrong lotsize to my live-account.

Signal Provider is

I have Mt4 platform, that signal is for Mt4.

My leverage is 1:500, it is identical with provider´s leverage.

His balance has been 620.000 when I subscribed the signal.

He is trading 10 lots per order.

My balance was about 1.500  ( in USD ). I allowed 90 % of balance for calculation of signal lotsize.

So , my balance multiplied with 413  equals 620.000 of provider´s balance.

My lotsize therefore should be  10 lots divided by 413  =  0.024

Rounded up my lotsize would be  0.03

Rounded down, it would be 0.02

But the signal system opened all orders in my live-account with lotsize = 0.1

which is about 4 times too high.  My broker allows 0.01 lotsize, it would be no problem if the signal service would

calculate it correctly.

I had to deactivate the signal. My live-account is more than 60 % in drawdown, a strong move today at NFP would wipe me out.

I wonder why this can happen. On all the documents and articles about the Signals I read that the protection of the subscriber is highest priority.

Obviously the subscriber should be

1. protected against wrong calculation of lot-size

2. heard when he opens a service ticket.   Service Desk should answer instead of doing nothing.

I know you are not responsible. You are only a Moderator trying to help us traders.

Therefore I am asking : Who is responsible ?

Who in Metaquotes has the authority to help clients ?

Clients should know where they can go to in such cases. ServiceDesk is not the right place, they do not answer the requests. Oh, maybe they will in the future,

but that is too late for urgent requests.


Other subscribers report the same problem.

One of them allowed only 20% of his balance for the signal, but the signals were copied with tenfold lot-size to his account.

This is a desaster and a nightmare.

Moderators, please tell us who is responsible in Metaquotes, who is caring about traders who lose their money because of the wrong calculation

of lotsizes ?


The main problem with ServiceDesk:

They don´t answer.

I already have 3 open tickets, the first one is unanswered since 3 weeks.

Another problem:

The signal-copy software calculates a wrong lotsize to my live-account.

Signal Provider is

I have Mt4 platform, that signal is for Mt4.

My leverage is 1:500, it is identical with provider´s leverage.

His balance has been 620.000 when I subscribed the signal.

He is trading 10 lots per order.

My balance was about 1.500  ( in USD ). I allowed 90 % of balance for calculation of signal lotsize.

So , my balance multiplied with 413  equals 620.000 of provider´s balance.

My lotsize therefore should be  10 lots divided by 413  =  0.024

Rounded up my lotsize would be  0.03

Rounded down, it would be 0.02

But the signal system opened all orders in my live-account with lotsize = 0.1

which is about 4 times too high.  My broker allows 0.01 lotsize, it would be no problem if the signal service would

calculate it correctly.

I had to deactivate the signal. My live-account is more than 60 % in drawdown, a strong move today at NFP would wipe me out.

I wonder why this can happen. On all the documents and articles about the Signals I read that the protection of the subscriber is highest priority.

Obviously the subscriber should be

1. protected against wrong calculation of lot-size

2. heard when he opens a service ticket.   Service Desk should answer instead of doing nothing.

I know you are not responsible. You are only a Moderator trying to help us traders.

Therefore I am asking : Who is responsible ?

Who in Metaquotes has the authority to help clients ?

Clients should know where they can go to in such cases. ServiceDesk is not the right place, they do not answer the requests. Oh, maybe they will in the future,

but that is too late for urgent requests.


Other subscribers report the same problem.

One of them allowed only 20% of his balance for the signal, but the signals were copied with tenfold lot-size to his account.

This is a desaster and a nightmare.

Moderators, please tell us who is responsible in Metaquotes, who is caring about traders who lose their money because of the wrong calculation

of lotsizes ?

Are you sure your broker allow less then 0.1 lot in your account type and for the symbol used ?

I am sorry I can't do nothing to help you. Service Desk is the good place to ask. Only thing I can suggest to you is trying to contact an admin Rosh or Renat.


Are you sure your broker allow less then 0.1 lot in your account type and for the symbol used ?

I am sorry I can't do nothing to help you. Service Desk is the good place to ask. Only thing I can suggest to you is trying to contact an admin Rosh or Renat.

Thanks, angevoyageur.

I know you cant´t help in this matter.

I have contacted Renat a minute ago.

About the lot-size in my live account:  Yes, I am sure because I traded 0.01 lots and multiples  like 0.02 and 0.03 lots manually in my account.

I have an indicator which shows relevant account info.

MM_MinLotSize = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT);

It shows 0.01 lot ,

therefore I am a million % sure that my broker allows 0.01 lots.


ServiceDesk answered my first ticket.



1. You can renew subscription before its expiration date using "Renew" button in MetaTrader terminal or the same command in My Subscription section on

2. Open positions will not be closed after subscription end. 


Ok. The answer came too late, but better late than never.

My assumptions were correct.

I never saw a "Renew" button, but it doesn´t matter because starting a new subscription is possible and the result is the same.

Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Symbol Properties
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Symbol Properties
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Symbol Properties - Documentation on MQL5