Frequently Asked Questions about the Signals service - page 109


Can anyone explain the purpose of the lowest value rounding here?:
1. If the value is less than 0.01%, it is rounded to 0.001%, i.e. it is assumed to be 0.001%. Examples: 0.007% => 0.001%, 0.000099 => 0.001%.

I can only assume that it's purpose is to try and block trades being placed by calculating a 0.00 size Lot, but does that actually prevent trades from being placed, or does this result with the broker attempting to transact at their minimum lot size?
The subscriber balance required for this calculation to be used is obviously ridiculously low, but I would like to know what actually happens in the terminal if it was actioned.

Also, what is the outcome for higher value Subscriber balances where the calculation still results in a percentage less than 1%, are trades invalidated?
Reading this article it states that "If the value is less than 1%, it is rounded up to 1%, i.e. assumed to be 1%. Example: 0.25% => 1%", which would mean that rounding methods 1., 2. and 3. from the official information shown above are actually ignored.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Signals service
Frequently Asked Questions about the Signals service
  • 2013.02.20
Discover in 15 Minutes: Watch the Video about Trading Signals in MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 The most frequently asked questions related to the S...

Can anyone explain the purpose of the lowest value rounding here?:
1. If the value is less than 0.01%, it is rounded to 0.001%, i.e. it is assumed to be 0.001%. Examples: 0.007% => 0.001%, 0.000099 => 0.001%.

I can only assume that it's purpose is to try and block trades being placed by calculating a 0.00 size Lot, but does that actually prevent trades from being placed, or does this result with the broker attempting to transact at their minimum lot size?
The subscriber balance required for this calculation to be used is obviously ridiculously low, but I would like to know what actually happens in the terminal if it was actioned.

Also, what is the outcome for higher value Subscriber balances where the calculation still results in a percentage less than 1%, are trades invalidated?

This passage explains how the copying ratio calculation is rounded down in various cases.

When the copying ratio calculation is resulting in a lot size lower than 0.01, that is always round up to 0.01.

That increases the risk for very small accounts considerably, when the correct lot size is much less than 0.01 and the system opens the minimum 0.01 instead.

The MQL5 signal copying system never prevents a (copy) trade from opening, due to abnormal risk ratio.

For example when a signal with $1000 opens 0.01 lot trades and a signal subscriber with a $100 account is copying that signal, he/she will also open 0.01 trades, having 10 times more risk than he/she should.


also see this line "Fig.4 shows that January growth was 1176%. This is an indication of intense deposit boosting. But trading was moderate in February/March. It's advisable to avoid signals which use boosting and consider signals with smooth growth of profit." in the following link: it seems here deposit is boosting the growth.

but here it is mentioned  How is the Growth in Signals Calculated? growth overlooks deposit or withdrawal.

please correct me if i am wrong in understanding.

The line you quoted has nothing with deposits and withdrawals. There is no disagreement here
The line you quoted has nothing with deposits and withdrawals. There is no disagreement here

Dear moderators/admins, could anyone please explain what does it mean by deposit boosting, as mentioned in the link : "Fig.4 shows that January growth was 1176%. This is an indication of intense deposit boosting. But trading was moderate in February/March. It's advisable to avoid signals which use boosting and consider signals with smooth growth of profit."

Tips for Selecting a Trading Signal to Subscribe. Step-By-Step Guide
Tips for Selecting a Trading Signal to Subscribe. Step-By-Step Guide
Trading on financial markets is a pretty large sphere which involves a lot of people and a lot of valuable assets. Successful trading in your preferred market sector requires its deep analysis, further development of your own trading system and, of course, acquisition of steel hard discipline and composure. Some people do not have time for...
can a signal provider remove a subscriber from copying his signal?
Babashola Ogunfuye:
can a signal provider remove a subscriber from copying his signal?

I think the provider can not remove subscriber.
Provider can stop providing the signal.

Babashola Ogunfuye:
can a signal provider remove a subscriber from copying his signal?

As Sergey already mentioned, a signal provider cannot individually cancel a subscription.

He/she can only delete the entire signal and cancel all subscriptions to it.

I receive an email notification when i subscribe  to a signal, but have never received any notification when one is expiring,  or has been cancelled by the signal provider. Where would one go to check why this might be ? 
I receive an email notification when i subscribe  to a signal, but have never received any notification when one is expiring,  or has been cancelled by the signal provider. Where would one go to check why this might be ? 

You need to check your private messages for cancellations or signal news updates, or check here:

You don't get a reminder for subscription expiration.

Eleni Anna Branou:

You need to check your private messages for cancellations or signal news updates, or check here:

You don't get a reminder for subscription expiration.

Thank you for your reply,  but how do i get an email to advise of such things without having to manually go and check my subscriptions ?