2 questions


My EA have to do something at: { if (Hour()==19 && Minute()==00)

When will do it? If the time is my local time or server time?

My terminal can connect 5 servers. There are 3 "week" server. I've set it manually to "strong" server, but it always jump to week and started logout-login.

How can I remove "week" servers from the list? How can I avoid the jump?

Many thanx.

intt Hour( )

Returns the hour (0,1,2,..23) of the last known server time by the moment of the program start (this value will not change within the time of the program execution).

What about the second question? Do you have idea?

No idea...

But, if the servers have different IP addresses you could try routing your packets going to the "weak" server to a bogus address (maybe, and fail to connect.

See ROUTE command in operating system.