Running MetaTrader 4 (MT4) on Mac OS X - page 2

There really needs to be a native MT5 for Mac OSX, iPhone 4.0 and iPad!! Right now Thinkorswim has the absolute best platform for trading all securities on a Mac from a single platform. Running anything on Parallels, VMware, etc. is not an acceptable long term solution. Who ever is developing MT4 should really look at Thinkorswim. If you had the TOS look and feel with the power of MT5 expert advisors, etc with the ability to trade any security - now that would be interesting.
My friends said if I use Parallel Desktop, I will need 4G RAM at least to run. I don't know if it's that necessary and how about the processing speed?


[goog luck


I have been running MT4 on a mac mini for 6 months - using Parrallels v5 in crystal mode (XP)

never had a problem - runs awesome -

Captain K


Here is how to get MetaTrader4 (MT4) Forex trading platforms to work under Mac OS X.

Requirement: You must be using a Mac with the Intel Duo Core Processor.

1. Download CrossOver
Download a 30-day trial version of CrossOver from CodeWeavers at

(the for-sale version only costs $60).

2. Install CrossOver and quartz-wm
At the end of the installation it will request you insert Disk 1 from your Mac OS X install disks which came with your Intel Mac. This is important as a small file (quartz-wm) needs to be extracted from the X11 package. If for whatever reason you don’t see a dialog indicating that this was successfull (happened to me 2x), delete all installed CrossOver files and try again.

3. Create WinXP Bottle in CrossOver
At Configure/Manage Bottles within CrossOver create a new winxp bottle. You can name it anything you want. For here, I’ll refer to it as the winxp bottle. This will create a bottle stored within your user folder (see path below).

4. Copy/Paste MFC DLLs
From within your valid, licensed copy of Windows XP, navigate to the system32 folder and locate the following DLLs: mfc40.dll and mfc42.dll. Copy these to your Mac and then move them to the equivalent WinXP “bottle” within your user folder. The path is username/Library/Application Support/CrossOver/Bottles/winxp/drive_c/windows/system32/.

5. Copy/Paste wingding Font
To properly show symbols and arrows, locate the wingding.ttf file in your Windows proper installation and copy it to your CrossOver installation in the /windows/fonts/ directory.

6. Install MT4
Download the MT4 installer (e.g. mt4setup.exe) from your broker. I tested using FXDD’s latest MT4 build 205. Double-click on the .exe and it should take you to CrossOver and begin running the MT4 installer the same as you’re familiar with when running on Windows. Select all of the default options for where MT4 will be installed. At the end, de-select (this is important) the option to auto-launch MT4 after installation is completed. (This doesn’t work.)

7. Launch MT4
From within the CrossOver application, go to the Programs menu and then select the MT4 application (it may be within a sub-menu with a symbolic link to the actual terminal app).

MT4 should launch and look just as good as from within Windows! And, MetaEditor launches as well!

i have tried to install MT4 with intel mac snow leopard and copied link to FXDD MT4 i keep getting the the final stage of installation freezing, it copies to c drive but wont install with all the blue download squares remaining full and frozen - i believe i have followed the text above - i had a dragged the following DLLs: mfc40.dll and mfc42.dll to bottle etc - is there something i missed maybe with the trial version of crossover as i cannot register as a trial, it still says 30 days


[goog luck

Hi Leo - can you please advise how you got Metastock v11 running under Crossover please. This would help us aLOT

thx M

Just want to add that this worked very well for me and uses a lot less processor than parallels, which I had before. I also just googled the dll files and font because I didn't have access to an xp machine. It all works great. Thank you. Also I am using crossover 10, not the trial version as I could not find one. Great software!
Wine bottler does the same job, but free

Actually, you don't even need Wine Bottler. Download and watch the video I made today, if interested.

Kind regards,



Actually, you don't even need Wine Bottler. Download and watch the video I made today, if interested.

Kind regards,


Forget my last post. Sorry, I didn't see the "How To" link at bottom of WineBottler page, which leads here:

Kind regards,
