Integrate Java in MQL4


My company is working at an integration between Java and MQL4. The advantages of the approach is the usage of artificial intelligence, databases, web services, high performance computing gateway, or statistical artifacts already available in Java.
We have already the capability to call static functions, to instantiate Java objects and call their member functions, even using arrays as parameter or result, within MetaTrader4, all in a high performance fashion. Currently we are focused on automatically generating the stub code (to each function in Java corresponds a MQL4 stub), full MQL4/Java variable types support and various Java IDEs integration.
What we need for the moment are three beta testers, with experience in MetaTrader and trading strategies. Your advantage will be the early access to technology, assistance in developing your connectivity to Java, while ours are the first success stories and the beta testing. The selected three beta testers will be indemnified with the license to use the product too, while its end price would be about 5000 USD.
I would be grateful to the MQL4 community for an opinion about our approach.

My company is working at an integration between Java and MQL4. The advantages of the approach is the usage of artificial intelligence, databases, web services, high performance computing gateway, or statistical artifacts already available in Java.
We have already the capability to call static functions, to instantiate Java objects and call their member functions, even using arrays as parameter or result, within MetaTrader4, all in a high performance fashion. Currently we are focused on automatically generating the stub code (to each function in Java corresponds a MQL4 stub), full MQL4/Java variable types support and various Java IDEs integration.
What we need for the moment are three beta testers, with experience in MetaTrader and trading strategies. Your advantage will be the early access to technology, assistance in developing your connectivity to Java, while ours are the first success stories and the beta testing. The selected three beta testers will be indemnified with the license to use the product too, while its end price would be about 5000 USD.
I would be grateful to the MQL4 community for an opinion about our approach.
Hi Razvan,

I would be delighted to help you test your product.

I have been studying Forex and testing various platforms for the past 6-8 months and I have finally opened a real account after months of back testing. I settled on a MetaTrader platform mainly due to the ability to write robots etc. and I am keen to write and test them, if I could do this without having to learn a new language it would be great!!
I am a Software Engineer with a number of years experience in Java. I dont have any prior experience writing MQL code for MetaTrader.

Best regards,

My company is working at an integration between Java and MQL4. The advantages of the approach is the usage of artificial intelligence, databases, web services, high performance computing gateway, or statistical artifacts already available in Java.
We have already the capability to call static functions, to instantiate Java objects and call their member functions, even using arrays as parameter or result, within MetaTrader4, all in a high performance fashion. Currently we are focused on automatically generating the stub code (to each function in Java corresponds a MQL4 stub), full MQL4/Java variable types support and various Java IDEs integration.
What we need for the moment are three beta testers, with experience in MetaTrader and trading strategies. Your advantage will be the early access to technology, assistance in developing your connectivity to Java, while ours are the first success stories and the beta testing. The selected three beta testers will be indemnified with the license to use the product too, while its end price would be about 5000 USD.
I would be grateful to the MQL4 community for an opinion about our approach.
Hi Razvan,

I would be delighted to help you test your product.

I have been studying Forex and testing various platforms for the past 6-8 months and I have finally opened a real account after months of back testing. I settled on a MetaTrader platform mainly due to the ability to write robots etc. and I am keen to write and test them, if I could do this without having to learn a new language it would be great!!
I am a Software Engineer with a number of years experience in Java. I dont have any prior experience writing MQL code for MetaTrader.

Best regards,
Hi Toriacht,

The module is not designed to replace MQL4. You do need to understand at least how indicators and advisors work. For automatic trading, you will have to understand the trading functions of MQL4, see, we did not overwrite them with Java functions. Also, you need to study the predefined variables available in MQL4.
Our idea is to offer new possibilities to acquire data, to compute and to decide, such as web services, databases, access to available neural networks, linear algebra or data mining packages.
If you need these packages, it makes sense to go with our beta program, if you just plan to have a 50 lines advisor, i guarantee it would be much easier for you to write it directly in MQL4. It's not about learning the language, MQL4 is mostly similar to C/Java/Pascal language family, it's about platform. MQL4 language has an excellent specialized platform for trading; to rewrite it in Java would bring no added value to the MetaTrader.

Other feature we offer is the possibility to debug the Java code (current status: testing in Eclipse), which can make sense for large projects.


My company is working at an integration between Java and MQL4. The advantages of the approach is the usage of artificial intelligence, databases, web services, high performance computing gateway, or statistical artifacts already available in Java.
We have already the capability to call static functions, to instantiate Java objects and call their member functions, even using arrays as parameter or result, within MetaTrader4, all in a high performance fashion. Currently we are focused on automatically generating the stub code (to each function in Java corresponds a MQL4 stub), full MQL4/Java variable types support and various Java IDEs integration.
What we need for the moment are three beta testers, with experience in MetaTrader and trading strategies. Your advantage will be the early access to technology, assistance in developing your connectivity to Java, while ours are the first success stories and the beta testing. The selected three beta testers will be indemnified with the license to use the product too, while its end price would be about 5000 USD.
I would be grateful to the MQL4 community for an opinion about our approach.

I was trying to integrate eclipse with MQL4 plugin and came across your post. Let me know if you require any help from me. I would be glad to assist.


My company is working at an integration between Java and MQL4. The advantages of the approach is the usage of artificial intelligence, databases, web services, high performance computing gateway, or statistical artifacts already available in Java.
We have already the capability to call static functions, to instantiate Java objects and call their member functions, even using arrays as parameter or result, within MetaTrader4, all in a high performance fashion. Currently we are focused on automatically generating the stub code (to each function in Java corresponds a MQL4 stub), full MQL4/Java variable types support and various Java IDEs integration.
What we need for the moment are three beta testers, with experience in MetaTrader and trading strategies. Your advantage will be the early access to technology, assistance in developing your connectivity to Java, while ours are the first success stories and the beta testing. The selected three beta testers will be indemnified with the license to use the product too, while its end price would be about 5000 USD.
I would be grateful to the MQL4 community for an opinion about our approach.

Hi razvan,

Have you found the people you are looking for?

I am a software architect and developer - expert in Java and related technologies. I have also written many complex bits of functionality in MQL4. I love technology and trading and I am very interested in learning what you have done to integrate Java and MQL4.

I know it's been a while since you posted...but thought I would comment anyway.

Let me know. If you are interested we can arrange an offline email exchange.



stepwise wrote >>

Hi razvan,

Have you found the people you are looking for?

I am a software architect and developer - expert in Java and related technologies. I have also written many complex bits of functionality in MQL4. I love technology and trading and I am very interested in learning what you have done to integrate Java and MQL4.

I know it's been a while since you posted...but thought I would comment anyway.

Let me know. If you are interested we can arrange an offline email exchange.



Hi Richard,

I'm new here to the forum and new to MQL4. I'm a java programmer and am looking to hire someone for a small job. I looking for someone to show me how to call a java program through MQL4, pretty simple. I'm a bit busy to look into it myself and would like to pay someone for an example of this.

Richard, or anyone else, if this is something you can help with, please contact me. I'm could not find a way to email members here and am not sure if that is an opton on this forum.

Please let me know.




My company is working at an integration between Java and MQL4. The advantages of the approach is the usage of artificial intelligence, databases, web services, high performance computing gateway, or statistical artifacts already available in Java.
We have already the capability to call static functions, to instantiate Java objects and call their member functions, even using arrays as parameter or result, within MetaTrader4, all in a high performance fashion. Currently we are focused on automatically generating the stub code (to each function in Java corresponds a MQL4 stub), full MQL4/Java variable types support and various Java IDEs integration.
What we need for the moment are three beta testers, with experience in MetaTrader and trading strategies. Your advantage will be the early access to technology, assistance in developing your connectivity to Java, while ours are the first success stories and the beta testing. The selected three beta testers will be indemnified with the license to use the product too, while its end price would be about 5000 USD.
I would be grateful to the MQL4 community for an opinion about our approach.


I am also java developer and Forex trader for already couple of years. I always was interested in getting hold of some of the java capabilities in the mql. I am very interested in your framework, but could not find any more info besides two posts that you posted while back. I hope this development did not die, and you are still working on it.

I am interested to do testing, and to get more info how do you want to distribute this framework.


I am a Java programmer at my $DAY_JOB and I have been looking for a way to integrate Java into MQL4. I think I have found a tool chain that will do it. :) I wrote a blog post about it here. Nothing is for sale ( yet! (: ).


I am a Java programmer at my $DAY_JOB and I have been looking for a way to integrate Java into MQL4. I think I have found a tool chain that will do it. :) I wrote a blog post about it here. Nothing is for sale ( yet! (: ).

I finally had a few hours to sit with it and I have succeeded!

In this blog post I detail exactly how it worked. It is very simple to set up. I created a Java class contained in a JAR file, whose static method signature matched the C# code presented in the tutorial. Using IKVM my Java code compiled to a DLL which was a drop-in replacement.

This approach will allow the invocation of static methods in java code quite easily. There are weaknesses to the approach... Writing the C++ wrapper code for each entry point to the Java code will be simple but tedious. I'm not sure how to approach instantiating Java objects from the MQL4 side (but perhaps I am missing something obvious -- I am a MT4 newbie).

My other thought for integration was to import some sort of DLL into MT4 allowing for HTTP requests. My java code (running in Tomcat or Jetty) could be invoked as RESTful web requests via the HTTP interface. MT4 would only act as a relay to the broker, for decisions made by the java code...