Chat Room Suggestion


Forum is good, but it is slow :)

if (chatroom)





What do you think?

Good Idea, open one, if you have so much Time to answer to all the People.

Haha.. off course no one will be responsible to answer all the ppl question, just a place where we can interact more active.

Maybe we can share an idea or get new idea from other ppl.

I remember when I still use mIRC, whenever i need help or have a free time to help other, i'll go to #SomeHelpdeskChannel.

the #channel sure help me a lot to boosting my scripting skill back then, even when i help other ppl, i often get a new scripting technique.

Why should we take a defensive position to a new idea, this is world of change.. isn't it?? Whatt?? No... well that's ok for me :)