Program Creation Assistance


I am trying to create a script/program that I can run on my MetaTrader program. However I know very little on what to do. I want help setting up a trading system that I developed. Can anyone help? I will be happy to explain to anyone.


I am trying to create a script/program that I can run on my MetaTrader program. However I know very little on what to do. I want help setting up a trading system that I developed. Can anyone help? I will be happy to explain to anyone.

1. Devour "Documentation" section in this forum
2. Find EA similar to your system and learn it line by line by comparing them to what's in "Documentation"
3. Try to write the program yourself, and test it (not to see the result in dollar value but in how it operates)
4. If the result is not what you want, rethink your programming line by line.
5. If these too much for you and you look for a simpler way (someone write it for you free-of-charge), may God be with you.

Thanks for the information. However, NorthFinance (my trader provider) sent me here stating that someone could help me. I am not a programmer and have not the first clue on how to begin to "write a program" or "create a trade script" so my reading through the documentation section for me is like learning Egyptian hyroglyfics; I look at it and haven't the first idea of where to begin. That being said, I really could use some hand holding to guide me or do it and show me how.

Can anyone out there help me???


Mql4 is a C/C++ based language. Here is a steep but effective learning curve:

1- Spend a few weeks learning javascript, heres a very good guide . Why learn javascript? Because it provides an easy conceptual framework of Object Orientated Programming (OOP) using a light weight programming language as opposed to jumping straight into C++ which will probably confuse you at this stage. Cross-reference new terms heavily (Google/Wikipedia etc) and don’t go any further until you understand the section you are on. Skip the section about prototyping.

Make sure you download a javascript compiler such as Firebug (if you use Firefox as your browser) and play around with code. Make your own code, play around with the examples in tutorials, and experiment with your own code.

2- Move on to C++. A good tutorial can be found here . Spend about a month or 2 going through this. Once again cross-reference new terms heavily and don’t move on without understanding the current section. Play around with code using a free simple C++ compiler / IDE such as Bloodshed Dev C ( Skip the section on classes and inheritance because Mql4 doesn’t allow data structures.

3- Once you can confidently built some basic programs (e.g number games) using all the concepts in the C++ tutorial (except for data structures). You should move on to learning mql4. First go through everything in the mql4 documentation section of this website (even though you won’t be able to put it all together yet). Then start analysing the code in pre-packaged indicators and EA’s such MACDSample and cross examine the code with the Mql4 Reference.


Thanks for the rely but what you ask is well beyond my capabilities. It would take me years to understand all the things you are asking. I know how to do HTML web creating but as to getting into C programming.....that for me is a hopeless cause.

I guess what I am asking is : "Is there anyone out there willing to write a script for me so I can test my trading strategy?"


I am trying to create a script/program that I can run on my MetaTrader program. However I know very little on what to do. I want help setting up a trading systemthat I developed. Can anyone help? I will be happy to explain to anyone.

Hi Evaluator,

Please contact me here: with some more details!


Are you willing to tell us your strategy here?
Are you willing to tell us your strategy here?
Please I would want to ask if there is anyone who can help me with this.

I have an expert advisor that I would want to work on only one account number of a specific broker.

My account number is 102288 and the broker name is Straighthold.

What code do I need to put into the expert advisor so that only this account number can use it.
Are you willing to tell us your strategy here?
sure. send me your email address.
I have send you the file.