Only process each bar once

How would one go about guaranteeing that each bar is only processed once?

I have a routine that performs some counting on each bar of occurrences of a setup. I need to make sure that each bar is only processed once so that each "occurrence" of this setup is only counted once. I can only need to process each bar after the bar itself is closed ... not tick by tick.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Use this - OTTOMH :)

if (Volume[0]>1) return(0); // quit AFTER first tick of new, allowing you to evaluate High[1] etc ONCE below this line


You could execute your code at the very first tick of a new bar ( i.e. right after the previous bar has closed ).

Here's a function that will return TRUE if a new bar has just formed:

// This function returns TRUE at the very first tick a bar i.e. after the previous bar has just closed
bool NewBar()
      PreviousBarTime = Time[0];
   return(false);    // in case if - else statement is not executed

you need to declare datetime PreviousBarTime at the beginning of your EA...

then in your code you could just use

if ( NewBar() )
...... code you need to be executed after a bar has closed here ....

thank you