getting height of window in pips

I need to know the height of the main chart window in pips or pixels, so I can place objects at just below the top of the chart window.

height of the main chart window in pips (WindowPriceMax() -WindowPriceMin)/Point

pixels, do not have, but left top position is (0,0) which is enough to position, so you do not need hight in pixel.


height of the main chart window in pips (WindowPriceMax() -WindowPriceMin)/Point

pixels, do not have, but left top position is (0,0) which is enough to position, so you do not need hight in pixel.

Thanks. Do you know what is the function for positioning by pixels?
or something like that?

"Do you know what is the function for positioning by pixels? "

see ObjectCreate(..., OBJ_LABEL, ... )

All other drawing objects use time and/or price coordinates.


"Do you know what is the function for positioning by pixels? "

see ObjectCreate(..., OBJ_LABEL, ... )

All other drawing objects use time and/or price coordinates.

I need the horizontal postion to be locked by time, and the vertical to be a set number of pixels (or pips will do with a bit of math) below the top of the chart window. I am making a script that will place local time in hours at the top of the chart. I am going to release the script here for free for all to use.