How to Publish Your Code in the Code Base - page 2



Is it OK to attach/include executable but not mq4 files alongside mq4 files, such .dll, .exe, and/or its source codes ?.

Thanks :)

Is it OK to attach/include executable but not mq4 files alongside mq4 files, such .dll, .exe, and/or its source codes ?.
No. If you want to publish code, publish it. An executable is not code. You must publish the code. That's why it's call the codebase. If you want to attach a dll or exe also for those without a compiler fine.
No. If you want to publish code, publish it. An executable is not code. You must publish the code. That's why it's call the codebase. If you want to attach a dll or exe also for those without a compiler fine.

Right :),

Where was I when I wrote that question ? ==>> executable is not a code - got it :) <<==.

Well I think it is OK then to also include source code of .exe &/ .dll.

If you excuse me, WHRoeder, I'm going to LOL my self out :).


Can a moderator please publish my code on Code Base: I asked for it to be held back in Dec 2011 - it is now ready but is not being published - it may still be logged as on hold..

The code to be published is ASK+BID+SPREAD-INDI, thanks

Please don't double post.
Can anyone explain what you need to do once your code is "ready for publishing"? I not sure how to make the code public once a moderator has checked off on it. Thanks in advance.
Can anyone explain what you need to do once your code is "ready for publishing"? I not sure how to make the code public once a moderator has checked off on it. Thanks in advance.
Code Base Submit your code
Question to moderator - My code is showing " ready for publishing " from more than a week now. When can I hope to get it published..
Question to moderator - My code is showing " ready for publishing " from more than a week now. When can I hope to get it published..
so do i... there any something going wrong here...
Hello sir me also uploaded a indicator in mq4 on 10th April'13 but still not published it says (ready for publishing) but still not published can you explain why so? if any thing i can correct.